On-site Sewage Treatment Systems
On this page:
* SEPHC Licensed Onsite septic Treatment Installers (08.12.24)
* ND Licensed Soil Classifiers and Soil Samplers (07.10.24)
* Application for Onsite Sewage Treatment System (09.06.24)
* Application for OSTS Evaluation (07.10.24)
* Application for Installing On-Site Septic Systems (07.10.24)
* Frequently Asked Questions
We support the health of our community by ensuring septic systems are properly treating household wastewater. We provide training and education on proper system construction to homeowners and septic system installers in Cass, Richland, Ransom, Sargent, Steele and Traill counties.
Any home or small commercial building that discharges household wastewater is required to have their septic system licensed and inspected by Fargo Cass Public Health. After a successful inspection, a permit is then issued for use. We also evaluate existing septic systems to determine whether they meet code requirements for potential property sales or to solve nuisance issues.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I become a licensed septic system installer?
- The first step is to complete the Application for OSTS Installer License (2024). Then return it to our office along with payment and a copy of your current North Dakota Contractor’s License.
- Our program requires continuing education of installers every three years. To help installers meet this requirement, we offer training courses in the winter months, but any accredited course on septic systems or those provided by other health departments can be completed to satisfy the requirement. If this is your first year and you missed the winter course, we will do a hands-on training to assess your skill level and to answer any questions you may have.
- We have reciprocity with surrounding jurisdictions, including Grand Forks and Central Valley Health Departments. If you are licensed with a different health department, please provide us with your license and we will honor it.
- As an installer, how do I construct a septic system?
- The first step is becoming a licensed septic installer; please see question 1 for those specifics.
- You must have a valid soil sample done for each system requiring a drain field. To obtain a soil sample, please choose a provider from the Soil Classifiers and Reporters list, or provide us with the contact information and credentials of a company of your choosing.
- Once you have a valid soil sample, we will assist in sizing the system. The sizing will be used to fill out and return an Application for OSTS Construction (2024) along with a sketch of the proposed system as well as the required payment.
- Please note: we require a 24-hour notice prior to requesting an inspection. FCPH will then conduct an open trench inspection of the tank and drain field. Do not cover the system until FCPH has given approval.
- Can a homeowner install their own system?
- Yes, property owners can install their own system. Property owners are required to physically dig the system; they cannot have another individual or unlicensed company do the work for them. We will assist with any questions. The permitting and inspection process is the same as for a licensed installer (please see above for reference).
- How do I get my septic system evaluated for a property sale?
- The first step is to fill out and return the Application for OSTS Evaluation (2024), along with payment. Please include all available information about the system, including documentation, property owner, history and/or any alterations to the system.
- The tank must be pumped by a licensed septic pumper prior to evaluation. This allows us to observe the tank with our camera system.
- We will come out the day after tank service and will provide a letter of evaluation for the condition of the system.