Women, Infants and Children Nutrition Program (WIC)
Have you ever had a nutrition question such as:
- What should I eat when I am pregnant?
- When should I start baby cereal?
- How soon do I get my baby off the bottle?
- How do I feed a picky eater?
The staff at the WIC office can help you. The Women, Infants and Children Supplemental Nutrition Program (WIC) provides nutrition education, healthy foods and referrals to other community programs. WIC families include women who are pregnant or have recently had a baby, infants and children up to five years of age.
Other caregivers such as fathers, stepparents, grandparents and foster parents may apply for children under age five living in their household.
WIC offers healthy foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, milk, iron-fortified cereal, eggs, peanut butter, beans, yogurt and whole grains from local grocery stores. you will get an eWIC card and WWIC Shopper app to help you purchase WIC-approved foods. eWIC makes shopping easy and convenient; you are able to buy the WIC foods you want, when you want, throughout the month.
Eligibility and Applying
To qualify for WIC, a family of four can earn up to $4,810 per month (before taxes and deductions, pregnant women count as two). Families are also eligible for WIC if they are receiving Medical Assistance or SNAP benefits (Food Stamps).
To apply, call 701.277.1455. Please let WIC know if you need an interpreter.
Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) is a Federal agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, responsible for administering the WIC Program at the national and regional levels.
Learn more about the North Dakota Department of Health WIC program.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider (please click the link for the WIC nondiscrimination statement).