2024-2025 City of Fargo Winter Warming Center
The 2024 -2025 City of Fargo Winter Warming Center (warming center) opened operations at its new location, 1230 25th Street South, Fargo, on Tuesday, November 26. For the 2024 - 2025 season, warming center activities will be conducted solely at 1230 25th Street South, Fargo, in the space on the far west side of the main FCPH building.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the purpose of a winter warming center?
The inaugural City of Fargo Winter Warming Initiative was developed in 2023 as an overflow plan for those experiencing homelessness and operated out of the Downtown Engagement Center (DEC). It allowed for the City’s response to be proactive rather than reactive in protecting some of the most vulnerable members of the community. The 2024-2025 Winter Warming Center will continue to work to prevent negative health impacts and cold weather-related injuries by providing limited overflow during the coldest months. The Winter Warming Center is not intended to meet all the needs of the unhoused in our community as both resources and capacity are limited.
How many people were served during the 2023 - 2024 season?
During the 2023 - 2024 season, 709 unique individuals were served. Throughout the season, there were a total of 8,096 encounters, with an average stay of 12 days. While the warming center served an average of 50 individuals per night throughout the operation, the highest number served on any given night was 83.
Why is the 2024 - 2025 location different from the 2023 -2024 location?
Conducting inaugural Winter Warming operations out of the DEC proved challenging. Co-locating these two operations did not allow adequate time at the end of winter warming each morning to prepare the space for transitioning back to day-to-day DEC operations. For this reason, it was determined that the warming center would be best located in a space separate from the DEC. Spaces and buildings currently owned by the City of Fargo were the most desirable alternate locations, due to the minimal cost and time required
What is the process to stay at the winter warming center?
The first step is go to the DEC so staff are aware an individual is in need of assistance with overnight winter warming. This first step is crucial to ensure those needing assistance are efficiently connected to the most appropriate overnight option, whether that is another shelter, use of a hotel voucher for a family, with an acquaintance or at our warming center.
How will individuals who need winter warming services learn of the new location?
FCPH Harm Reduction Division staff will provide information about the new Winter Warming location and change in operations during their regular interactions with the community members most likely to need this important service.
Harm Reduction Division staff dedicate considerable effort to build meaningful relationships with guests and individuals they serve. The relationships developed between HRD staff and guests create a high level of trust and respect. Information shared from staff to guests is considered reliable and is often shared among members of the homeless community.
How will individuals get to the new location?
Anyone needing winter warming assistance should continue to present to the DEC. Upon completion of initial intake at the DEC, guests will be transported to the Winter Warming Center on 25th Street via shuttle or other means.
Who is eligible for the winter warming center?
- Individuals age 18 and older who have no other overnight shelter option are eligible.
- During the intake process at the DEC, staff will work to connect individuals needing access to a winter warming overnight option with appropriate and available shelter beds in the community.
- Individuals not able to be connected with alternate available shelter space may be considered for the Winter Warming Center.