
Far More is Happening Here

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Rose Creek (South Side)

As part of the City's comprehensive plan, a temporary levee constructed in 2010 along the south side of Rose Creek will be reconstructed to certifiable elevation, with Houston Engineering being selected to perform project design and construction administration.

Houston Engineering worked closely with both the golf course staff and the Parks Department to identify the levee alignment that works best for golf course playability while still allowing for the necessary flood protection measures to be constructed. The expertise of a golf course design team was also utilized in order to keep the redesign of the golf course and its amenities compatible with the engineering design.

The City held the first informational meeting at Davies High School on Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2015, to inform the local residents of the proposed project and its possible impacts to the immediate area. The proposed flood protection measures call for the construction of an earthen levee for the total length of the project, from 25th Street to University Drive, with areas of localized storm sewer piping installed for interior rainfall drainage. The majority of the levee improvements will be installed on the Rose Creek Golf Course property.

A PDF version of the informational meeting presentation is available for viewing in the right margin of this page.

July 24, 2018 Update

Phase Two of the Rose Creek project was substantially completed in the fall of 2017, with turf establishment remaining for the summer of 2018. This project was the final connection of a continuous line of flood protection along the south side of Rose Coulee between 25th Street South and University Drive.

December 7, 2016 Update

Phase One of this project was constructed in 2016, while Phase Two (from Rose Creek Golf Course to the University Drive right-of-way) will be completed in 2017.