
Far More is Happening Here

Police Hero

Reporting Drug Activity

The use, sale, and manufacturing of illegal drugs has been a serious problem in our community over the past several years. You can continue to help us fight our community's drug-related problems by reporting suspicious activity in your neighborhood. Only with the help of citizens like you, can we make a positive impact on crime in our community.

We all suffer from the effects of illegal activity such as drug trafficking, gun violence, gang activity, human trafficking, and prostitution. Quality-of-life issues such as the health and welfare of our children, public safety, increasing crime rates, and lost productivity are all related to such crimes.

Signs of Drug Activity

It is often hard to be certain that what you are seeing involves drugs, but some patterns may indicate drug activity:

  • An unusually large amount of traffic coming to the building - in cars, taxis, or walking - often at strange hours. Visitors may sometimes pound on doors or shout to be let in. This traffic is usually quick, with people staying only a short time. Sometimes they don't go in at all; instead, someone comes out to meet them.
  • Finding drugs or drug paraphernalia (syringes, pipes, etc.) in the area.
  • Repeated, observable exchanges of items, especially where money is visible.
  • Offers to sell you drugs, or conversation about drugs that you overhear.
  • Obnoxious odors from or around the building, such as "musty" smells.
  • Buildings where extreme security measures seem to be being taken.
  • Buildings where no owner or primary renter is apparent, and no home activities, yard work, painting, or maintenance, etc., seems to be going on.

Drug Activity in Progress - Call 9.1.1.

For drug activity that is in progress or needs an immediate police response, call 9.1.1.. If a patrol car is available, an officer will respond. If you would like to speak with the officer, tell the 9.1.1. operator.

On-going Drug Activity

On-going drug activity, which police need to be aware of, but doesn't require immediate response, can be reported by calling our Narcotics Unit at 701.241.1415.