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Police Auction

Throughout the year, property that residents find is turned into the police station. We keep this property in our evidence room for a period of time, hoping the owner will call us looking for it. Eventually, to keep our inventory manageable, we must dispose of this property.

Another type of property we dispose of periodically is property recovered from thieves. In some cases, we are able to find out who the property belongs to, but the owner does not want the property back because he/she has already accepted a settlement from an insurance company to cover the loss.

This found and recovered property will now be available through an online auction company called, Property Room

Other auctions

Used police equipment and vehicles will continue to be sold at the City of Fargo Auction.

Some impounded vehicles and unclaimed found bicycles will be sold at the impound auction, which is held by the city's towing contractor, Fargo Moorhead Towing.