Library Card

Library Card Application Basics
Anyone 16 years old or over must fill out the application form, show a photo ID, and provide proof of current address. People can apply for cards at any of the three Fargo Public Library locations, or online. With an online application, the patron will need to bring in a photo ID and proof of their current address to finalize their account and pick up the card.
For children age 15 or under, a parent or legal guardian must sign the application form, show their photo ID, and provide proof of current address.
If a person doesn't have proof of address with them at the time they apply for a card, staff will mail out the card to verify the current address. In that case, checkout is limited to five (5) items until the card is received in the mail.
If a library card is lost, the cardholder can bring in a photo ID and get a replacement for $1.
Pre-Register for a Library Card
Fill out an application before coming to the library by completing the library card application online!
After completing the online application and verifying your account by email, you will be able to place 2 items on hold. To complete your registration and receive your library card, please visit any of the three Fargo Public Library locations with a photo ID and proof of address. Once your account is fully registered in person, you will be able to check out physical library materials as well as ebooks and audiobooks.
Please see our Registration Policy for a list of acceptable photo IDs and more information.
If you reside within Fargo city limits and are unable to get to the library due to mental or physical disability, please contact our Outreach Services Department for more information.
Residence Requirements
A free Fargo Public Library card is available to all Fargo residents and Fargo property taxpayers with proof of identification and address. Library cards are also available for free to K-12 students in Fargo public and private schools whose residences may be outside the city limits.
You also qualify for a free Fargo Public Library card if you live in the following areas:
• The West Fargo Public Library service area.
• The 7-county area served by the Lake Agassiz Regional Library (LARL).
Users from these reciprocal borrowing libraries must present a valid library card from their home library at the time of application. These library systems also extend the same benefit to cardholders from the Fargo Public Library. If residents of the LARL system and West Fargo do not choose to have cards from their local library system they will be charged the nonresident fee.
Other residents of North Dakota may also get a free non-resident Fargo Public Library card.
For users who do not qualify for a free Fargo Public Library card, paid non-resident cards are available. Non-resident cards are valid for one year for a fee of $20 per year. The nonresident fee is set by the Library Board of Directors based on the library’s per-household revenue from property taxes.

Fargo Public School (FPS) Student ID Cards
In partnership with Fargo Public Schools, the Fargo Public Library is excited to provide FPS Student ID cards!
Once a student and/or parent opts into the program during school registration, the student is able to use their FPS Student ID card as a Fargo Public Library card. By making it easier to get a public library account, we hope students utilize and enjoy our available collection, resources, and services. This includes checking out materials, downloading eBooks and eAudiobooks, researching with our online resources, and using our computers and printers.
This program is currently offered to Fargo Public School students in grades K-12.
Learn more about how this program works here or contact the Main Library Circulation Desk at 701.241.1472.

Library Cards for Kids
The Fargo Public Library is in the business of building readers and what better way than to celebrate our youngest community members! Did you know that beginning at birth you can get your child a Fargo Public Library card and open the door to all of the excellent materials and services offered by your library? Children from birth through age 7 who have never held a Fargo Public Library Card are welcome to apply for a distinctive My First Library Card. The unique design will make any child feel special as they proudly check out books, music CDs, and other materials all on their own.
Children who share books with parents from an early age have better success learning to read which leads to success in school and beyond. Make it a family event and get everyone a card since children who see adults reading are more likely to enjoy reading themselves.
Parents or guardians who are residents of the City of Fargo are welcome to come in to any Fargo Public Library location and apply for a My First Library Card for their children by bringing identification and proof of current address. Minnesota parents can show their child’s valid card from the Lake Agassiz Regional Library system to get a Fargo library card for free. West Fargo parents can show their child’s valid West Fargo Library card to get a Fargo library card for free. Other residents of North Dakota can receive a non-resident card without a fee good for one year.
For more information about the My First Library Card program or other Fargo Public Library programs and services, please contact Children’s Services at 701.241.1495. Stop by any Fargo Public Library locations and get the whole family library cards today!
If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Circulation Department using the contact form below. We're happy to help!