Teen Programs & Events
Cozy Papercraft Afternoon
Join us for a cozy, crafty afternoon! Make papercrafts – ornaments, bows and more! Cookies and cider will be served. This open house event is for adults, teens, and families. No registration is required – drop in any time! All materials will be provided. Contact Christina at 701.241.8199.
Saturday, Dec. 7 – Main Library at 2 p.m.
Cookie Decorating
Get into the winter groove by decorating sugar cookies! We’ll provide the cookies, frosting, & decorations –
you bring your imagination. Pre-registration is required; register online starting Nov. 25 or call 701.241.1495.
Tuesday, Dec. 10 – Dr. James Carlson Library at 5 p.m.
Break from the Holidays
Take a break from holiday activity and stress with a relaxed afternoon of fun. We’ll have board games, puzzles, and snacks with nothing holiday themed in sight. So take a break, get away from the adults, and relax at the library. This event is for ages 11-19; no registration is needed, and you can drop in any time between 2-4 p.m..
Friday, Dec. 27 – Main Library from 2-4 p.m.
Teen Volunteers Wanted!
Volunteer at the Fargo Public Library! You can make the library a great place to visit, earn volunteer hours for clubs or scholarships, and have fun at the same time. Participants must be 12 to 18 and need a signed Teen Volunteer Permission Form from a parent or guardian . The Teen Volunteer Permission form can be downloaded and printed here. Sessions are two hours long once a month from January through May, Note: separate registration is required for each session; register online beginning a month before each session.
Please read the location carefully as it will be different each month.
For any questions contact Anna at 701.298.6960 or use the Contact Us form at the bottom of the page.
Monday, Jan. 6 – Main Library at 5 p.m.
Saturday, Feb. 1 – Dr. James Carlson Library at 1 p.m.
Saturday, March 1 – Northport Library at 1 p.m.
Saturday, April 5 –Main Library at 1 p.m.
Monday, May 12 – Dr. James Carlson Library at 5 p.m.
Contact Us!
If you have any questions or comments, please contact us.