Victim Services
The primary role of the Victim Services Specialist (VSS) is to assist the victim in navigating the investigative process and the court system. They do this by answering any questions, connecting those who have experienced harm to community resources, and providing timely updates regarding their case.
The VSS is based in the Fargo Police Department and assists those who have made a report with law enforcement. The VSS is a mandated reporter and therefore is not confidential. If you are in need of a confidential advocate, the Rape and Abuse Crisis Center is confidential and will work with you, even if you have not reported to law enforcement.

Meet the Fargo Police Victim Services Specialist - Jordan DiPalma
Hello, my name is Jordan DiPalma (she/her) and I am the Victim Services Specialist for The Fargo Police Department. I have a masters degree in counseling, and I specialize in assisting those who have experienced complex trauma or who have vicarious trauma to find ways to break the cycle. Based off of personal experience, I know how hard it can be to open up and share the most vulnerable parts of yourself when help is offered. If you or someone you know has experienced any kind of trauma, I want you to know that you are not alone.
When I need to recharge my battery, I enjoy walking my two dogs. I also enjoy baking, or attempting anyways, sweet treats I have seen on the various baking shows I watch. I love to read and my favorite book of all time is Wilde Women by Paula Wall.