Report Flow Chart
This flow chart is meant to provide a broad overview of the possibilities of the kinds of responses once the police are called. Each call has its own nuances and this chart does not reflect the many complexities that exist in the legal system.

Initial Contact with Police
Based upon the information you provide to the officers, they will attempt to determine if the allegation is criminal, civil, or not illegal. Regardless of the situation, documentation will occur. Depending on the circumstances, that documentation will occur in the form of either a call log or a case report. If a case report is created, you may receive a business card with the Incident Case Report (ICR) number on the back.

Criminal Allegation
Please anticipate the officers asking questions to help provide context, clarity, and additional information. If there is an allegation of a crime, please recognize at some point officers will need to attempt to gain a statement from the accused party during the investigation. Throughout the investigation officers will attempt to collect details, evidence, and witness statements. The situation will be documented accordingly based upon the results of the investigation.
Immediate Arrest
In order for an immediate arrest to occur, several factors need to be established and the results may vary depending upon each individual circumstance and situation. Most common are:
• Probable cause is established for felony level offenses and select misdemeanor offenses
• Misdemeanor offenses committed in an officer’s presence
• Select warrants
When a physical arrest occurs, they will be transported to the Cass County Jail. The Sheriff’s Office Staff should sign up the victim for VINE notifications. Accurate and working phone numbers and emails are important. These notifications let the victim know updates regarding the offender’s release status and court dates.
No Immediate Arrest
An arrest may not occur for a number of reasons. Some of those reasons include the suspect was not located, more information is needed, the type of warrant, or the crime did not occur in our jurisdiction. If the crime did not occur in our jurisdiction, the documentation will be sent over to the correct agency. If an arrest does not occur, the incident is still documented with an Incident Case Report (ICR) and you may receive a business card with the ICR number on the back.

Non-Criminal Allegation
If an allegation was not criminal, documentation will vary dependent upon circumstances.
Resource Referral
Law enforcement involvement may not be the most appropriate service provider to meet the needs of the situation or circumstances. If law enforcement responds and is able to determine that an external organization is best equipped to meet the needs, a referral can be done. Referrals can be done to organizations that specialize in chemical dependency, mental health, child behaviors, and basic needs.
Civil Issue
Civil issues are best described as problems that are happening between two people that does not impact society as a whole, such as child custody disputes, divorces, property damage*, evictions, or contract disputes. These issues are not criminal in nature and are best managed between the two parties or civil court.
*property damage is dependent upon ownership, permissions, and certain access.
No Illegality
No crime occurred. The action can be unkind and unnecessary, but not illegal. For example, a concerned citizen witnesses a couple loudly arguing in public with obscenities flying. Is this out of the ordinary? Yes. Is it possibly concerning? Sure; however, it is not illegal to yell at each other in public.