Officer Troy Nielsen
South High School
The Fargo Police Department has seven officers assigned to our local middle and high schools. School resource officers serve two primary functions: school safety and building rapport between police officers and youth. One of the tools SRO’s use to accomplish these goals is the “SRO Triad”:
As a non-traditional police assignment, school based policing is perhaps one of the most misunderstood law enforcement roles. SROs work for months, even years to establish a level of trust and rapport with their students.
There is no “typical” day for an SRO. The position requires flexibility, time management, multi-tasking skills and well developed interpersonal and de-escalation skills. SROs deal with issues from parking and traffic problems to sexual assault and domestic violence investigations; from interpersonal conflicts among students to bomb threats, even possession of weapons in the schools. SROs “think on the fly”, use creative problem solving and maintain a calm, professional demeanor under the most demanding circumstances.
Listed below are a number of duties an SRO will encounter on a regular basis:
South High School
Davies High School
North High School
Dakota High School
Discovery Middle School
Carl Ben Eielson Middle School
Ben Franklin Middle School