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Fargo Public Library Social Media Policy for Staff

The Fargo Public Library recognizes that in order for its staff to be connected to the world of information and to participate in technologies used by our customers, library staff will be engaged in various forms of social media. The Fargo Public Library also recognizes and appreciates that library staff members do make use of personal social media accounts to promote the work of FPL and to raise the profile of the library among employees’ networks of contacts.

For purposes of this policy, “social media” is defined as a form of electronic communication (such as websites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (such as photos and videos). (Merriam-Webster, 2023). Examples of social media include (but are not limited to): Facebook, Blogs, Instagram, RSS, YouTube, Discord, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr (photo sharing site) and TikTok.

In order to ensure the highest level of professional library service to the citizens of Fargo and the maintenance of a positive work environment for all staff, the following policy is provided regarding staff use of personal social media sites:
1. Accessing personal social media sites for personal, not position-related use, during work hours via city technology is prohibited. Please see the City’s Electronic Communications Policy (200-016)

2. Accessing personal social media sites via personal technologies and/or city technologies in staff areas is permitted during breaks and meal breaks only. Use of city technologies is authorized unless it is currently unavailable due to library business.

3. Social media activity must not interfere with work commitments.

4. Any posting pertaining to FPL business must clearly state that any comments are the opinions of the employee only, and not that of the Fargo Public Library.

5. Employees are responsible for the legal content of their postings.

6. Each employee utilizing social media sites has the responsibility to treat co-workers and citizens with respect. Posting verbiage, graphics, or images on personal social media sites that denigrate members of the public or other city employees will be considered harassment per the City’s Harassment Policy (200-002-A) and violates the City’s Conduct / Ethics Policy (300-005) as well. Employees who violate these policies will be subject to disciplinary action.

*This policy is not intended to restrict rights under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)

Approved 04-15-2014
Revised 06-20-2023