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Fire Permits & Codes

These fire codes are currently in use by the City of Fargo:

  • International Fire Code - 2021
    Referenced Standards: NFPA 13 - 2019, NFPA 13R - 2019, NFPA 72 -2019
  • Local amendments to the 2021 International Fire Code may be viewed online, or obtain a copy in the fire marshal's office located in Station One (637 NP Avenue).
  • Chapter 9 of the Fargo Municipal Code contains Fire Protection and Prevention regulations.

Quick Links

View the page table of contents below for quick access to fire permits and code information.

Annual Operational Permits

Construction Permits

**Inspections outside of normal business hours = minimum charge of two hours at $92 per hour. Fees Double for work started without a permit.

Fee includes plan review and inspection during normal business hours.
After hours inspections are only available as staffing allows and require an additional charge.