Challenges Facing Neighborhoods
Good neighborhoods only happen when residents take pride in their area and are interested in working together to keep the neighborhood a good place to live.
This page explains the community's laws and policies regarding the following topics:
- Vehicles - Abandoned, improper parking
- Junk, Trash & Building Materials - Illegal dumping, garbage disposal, junk on property
- Neglected Yards - Grass and weeds, standing water, trees and brush
- Noise - Parties, events, vehicles, equipment
- Animals - Dead animals, rats and insects, stray pets
- Snow removal - Sidewalks, streets, driveways
- Rental property - Maintenance & Occupancy
- Public property maintenance - Right of way, drains, street lights, parks
- New construction-related issues - Uncapped foundation, mud on street, noise
- Traffic - Speeding, signs and signals
- Water/Stormwater - Runoff from yards, plugged storm drain
- Problem Reporting - Where to call for common problems