Garbage Pricing
The fee for the service is based on the cart size you select and the fee is charged on your utility bill. Pricing is as follows:
- 48-Gallon: $6/month
- 64-Gallon: $9/month
- 96-Gallon: $14/month
Garbage Carts

Garbage Rules
- The garbage service is a volume-based program. All garbage must be placed in garbage carts provided by the City of Fargo. Garbage outside of these containers will not be collected. Extra bags are collected for a fee if you request it; call 701.241.1449 to schedule.
- Carts must be set out by 8 a.m. on your collection day and removed from the boulevard by 6 p.m. or after collection, whichever is later. Residents who live on an alley should place containers at the rear of the property. All other residents should place garbage on the boulevard.
- Garbage carts must have 5 feet of space between them and all objects, allowing for the cart to be grabbed and emptied. Do not place carts on top of snowbanks. Please place cart in your driveway or shoveled-out area on your boulevard.
- Fireplace ashes must be fully extinguished and placed in sealed bags before placing them in your cart for collection.
- Pet waste may be placed in your cart for collection; this material should not be composted. It is preferable that you bag the pet waste before putting it in the cart. Please note, it is unacceptable to place pet waste in carts that do not belong to you.
- If you have household hazardous waste such as paint, fluorescent bulbs, motor oil and more, see our HHW page for the hours and location of our facility.
- Syringes (medical needles/SHARPS) should not be placed loose in the garbage. Syringes must be placed in a sealed, rigid container labeled "medical waste"; place the container in your garbage cart.
Banned Items
The following items are banned from the Fargo Landfill and not allowed in your garbage: yard waste, lead-acid batteries, used motor oil, tires and major appliances (including some microwave ovens).