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Police Hero

Fargo Police Explorers

Police explorers is a career-oriented program that gives young adults the opportunity to explorer a career in law enforcement by working with local law enforcement. The program is available to qualified young adults ages 14 through 20. The program provides educational training programs for young adults on the purposes, mission and objectives of law enforcement. It also provides career orientation experiences, leadership opportunities and community service activities. The primary goals of the program are to help young adults choose a career path within law enforcement and to challenge them to become responsible citizens of their community.


Explorers will participate in numerous activities to include: Tour of facilities, Ride-Alongs, Dispatch tour, Police K-9 Demo, Firearm Safety, Use of Force, Defensive Tactics, Arrest and Search Procedures, Fire Department Tour, Drug Enforcement, DUI Enforcement, SWAT and BOMB, Crime Scenes, Traffic Stops, Traffic and Crowd Control, Community Events, a Summer Field Trip, and an Award Ceremony.


  • Interest in Law Enforcement
  • Age 14 to 20
  • Clear Criminal Record
  • Respectable Driving Record
  • 2.0 GPA or Better
  • Mature, responsible, self-disciplined and dedicated
  • Attend at least 70% of the meetings
  • Be willing to volunteer time
  • Pay annual dues for insurance and remain current

Why Join?

The Fargo Police Department Explorer program can help you answer the question, "Do I want to be a Police Officer?" Through hands-on training, Explorers learn about basic police procedures, techniques and tactics. They also tour facilities of agencies that work closely with the police. Explorers have the opportunity to test what they have learned in competitions with other police explorers. Explorers also help the police department with local community events such as parades and community picnics.

Explorers will receive training that will prepare them for police specific situations, but also to be effective adults in the community. Many explorers go on to become police officers, and the skills learned as an explorer are invaluable.

How to Join

To learn more, contact Sergeant Brent Halverson at 701.476.4164