The blueprint documents highlight background information and needs within our local food system, benefits and concerns as they relate to an evaluation framework (health, environment, economic and social perspectives), and examples of policies and ordinances in other jurisdictions in the United States.
Blueprint Topics:
- Backyard Chicken Keeping (PDF)
- Backyard Composting (PDF)
- Backyard Season Extenders (PDF)
- Backyard Beekeeping (PDF)
- Community Gardens (PDF)
- Cottage Food Laws (PDF)
- Farmer's Markets (PDF)
- Federal Nutrition Programs at Farmers’ Markets (PDF)
- Food Systems Language in Comprehensive Plans Snapshot - 5.21 (PDF)
- Food Waste Issue Brief & Community Snapshot (PDF)
- Gleaning (PDF)
- Healthy Corner Stores (PDF)
- Hunger and Food Insecurity Snapshot (PDF)
- Incorporating Food Systems Language into Comprehensive Plans Issue Brief - 5.21 (PDF)
- Municipal Composting (PDF)
- Pesticides on Public Land Issue Brief (PDF)
- Pesticides on Public Land Snapshot (PDF)
- Pesticide Use on School Grounds Snapshot (PDF)
- Pollinator Habitats (PDF)
- Residential Gardening (PDF)
- Single Use Materials Community Snapshot (1) (PDF)
- Single Use Materials Issue Brief (PDF)