Tom Dawson
Dawson Insurance
Dawson Insurance’s commitment to developing a strong and inclusive culture led the company to become an Infant Friendly Worksite in 2017.
Dawson Insurance’s commitment to developing a strong and inclusive culture led the company to become an Infant Friendly Worksite in 2017.
Brian Dunford, Sales Manager with Floor to Ceiling, said there are a few reasons his company decided to implement a breastfeeding policy and comfortable room for breastfeeding or pumping breastmilk.
The thoughtfulness her employer displayed by becoming an Infant Friendly Workplace means the world to Andrea Gemelli, an Account Assistant at Dawson Insurance. The new mom is one of five Dawson Insurance employees who were pregnant during a recent baby boom at the company.
Business is better than ever at Apex Physical Therapy, thanks in part to being designated an Infant Friendly Workplace. Co-owner Brooke Erstad says the designation was a natural fit for the private practice with a family atmosphere.
Kate Bjorklund was relieved she was able to nourish her babies through breastfeeding and she was very happy it provided valuable bonding time with her two children. Initially she set a goal of breastfeeding for six months. When she met her first goal, she set another one to continue for a full year.
Rapid growth, both in terms of clientele and staff, meant Floor to Ceiling Carpet One needed to create a private space where new moms could breastfeed or pump breastmilk. The store’s design team accepted the challenge and went to work creating a beautiful space to meet the needs of new moms.