
Far More is Happening Here

Breastfeeding Hero

Breastfeeding in Child Care Resources

Child care provider's knowledge about breastfeeding and supportive practices can help families breastfeed longer. You can further support families by creating a breastfeeding friendly environment in your child care.

The toolkits below provide information on creating that environment and supporting moms and breastfeeding in your community.

Breastfeeding Policy

A policy helps define the roles and responsibilities of the supervisors and employees and ensures that consistent breastfeeding support is available. Child care providers are unique because they have an opportunity to support employees and families who have children in their care and are encouraged to have a breastfeeding policy that supports both.

The sample policies below are available to assist with policy development in your child care facility.

Handling & Storing Breastmilk

The below resources provide guidance in assuring the safety of breastmilk and health of the baby.

Feeding Infants

Whether infants are breastfed or formula-fed, healthcare providers recommend that all babies be fed in response to feeding cues and not on a schedule. Talk with families regularly and create a feeding plan (PDF) to best support baby’s growth and development.

Paced Bottle Feeding
Practice paced bottle feeding, a technique that is designed to mimic breastfeeding. This technique allows baby to control the feeding and eat at baby’s own pace.

Solid Foods
Each child’s readiness to begin solid foods is different. Before introducing solid foods, be sure to discuss feeding preferences with families. Below are some resources to get you started.