Become Infant Friendly
Applying to be an Infant Friendly Workplace in the state of North Dakota is easy.
Simply fill out the short application online.
Once the business becomes an Infant Friendly Workplace, a packet will be sent from the State of North Dakota filled with more information.
Marketing Benefits
Being an Infant Friendly Workplace allows the business the right to use the designation on any recruitment or marketing materials. The initial packet also includes more information about supporting breastfeeding and a vinyl decal to hang at the business location to notify customers of the designation. The company will also be listed on this website,, and the North Dakota Breastfeeding website as a designated business.
For Employers Color

Finding Balance for Your Company & Employees
Becoming an Infant Friendly Workplace is easier than businesses think. Many businesses already have the pieces in place ready to do it.

Create Space
A small, private space can be set up for a lactation room. A mother needs to express milk approximately every three hours to maintain a healthy milk supply. Milk can be refrigerated or stored in a personal cooler or small refrigerator. Read more information about Creating Space for mothers.

Craft Your Policy
Supporting breastfeeding through policy is an important part of being Infant Friendly. Policies should include guidelines for breaks, space, a water source and what is provided for breast milk storage. This also includes some effort to inform and educate employees and managers about the policy. View the Crafting Policy information for further details.

Apply for Infant Friendly Designation
Once the business space and policy is ready, apply online to become an Infant Friendly Workplace. The application requires simple contact information and responses for less than 10 questions. Upon designation, the business will receive a packet of materials to promote your business as Infant Friendly as well as be listed online as an Infant Friendly Workplace.