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Property Crimes

The Property and Financial Crimes Team focuses on crimes such as burglary, vandalism, forgery, embezzlement, identity theft, and computer fraud crimes. The detectives on this team utilize a variety of both high-tech and traditional methods to investigate property-based crimes.

Computer-related crime is one of the most difficult tasks these investigators face. Fraudulent activities on websites, social media sites and perpetrators utilizing email scams present daunting challenges for this team. The internet has become an easy and sometimes anonymous way to become involved in illegal activities.

The Financial Crimes Team has built an exceptional working relationship with area banks and retailers in combating credit card and identity theft. The Property Crimes Team also has a good working relationship with local pawn stores and utilizes the department’s Law Enforcement Automated Database Search (LEADS) program as well as the MN Automated Pawn System to track property purchased by local pawn stores.

In addition, members of the Property Crimes Team also utilize forensic trace evidence like DNA and fingerprints when investigating property crimes such as robberies and burglaries. The Property Crime Teams can often be found canvassing neighborhoods, collecting video evidence and executing search warrants.