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A primary goal of concession stands is to make money. Offering items that are more healthful should not take a bite out of profits.
Fast Fuel tools to sustain or improve your profits include Smart Pricing and Combination Meals.
- Smart Pricing
Price can influence what an individual purchases and therefore, the concession profits. Smart Pricing tips include:
- Knowing costs of each item to determine where to set the price. Keep preparation in mind, as well as, the cost of condiments and serve ware.
- Pricing healthful items at a lower cost to entice customers to purchase these items.
- Combination Meals
Give customers the ability to save money while increasing concession profits by offering the ability to buy items as a combo. Combination meals should include a healthful side.
A helpful equation to remember: Concession Price – Cost of Product = Profit
For specific pricing guidelines and tips, visit the full Fast Fuel Toolkit (PDF).