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Special Assessment Process

It generally takes about two and a half years to complete an infrastructure project. This time period starts with project design and ends with the final notice that the project financing (i.e., the special assessment) has been certified by the City Commission.

Here's an overview of the steps involved in this process:

  1. When existing infrastructure is going to be rehabilitated, the City of Fargo initiates a project in conjunction with its adopted capital improvements plan. In new subdivisions, a developer petitions the City to create a special assessment district in order for infrastructure to be installed.
  2. The City coordinates the required infrastructure work.
    • City Engineering staff identifies the need and designs the project.
    • A Special Assessment District is established for the project, based on a calculation of "benefit." A proposal for financing the work is approved by the City Commission.
    • The City coordinates and manages project bidding and construction.
  3. The year after the project is complete, the City obtains permanent financing for the project and spreads the cost of the infrastructure work to property owners, relative to the benefit they receive from the project.
  4. The City and Cass County Government work together to collect annual special assessment payments that are used to pay off the debt associated with the infrastructure work.