
Far More is Happening Here

Flood Protection
Fargo Flood Fight 2023 Protection Plans
Fargo Flood Fight 2023 Protection Plans

40-Foot Protection Plans

The City of Fargo engineers have developed plan of action in several crest height scenarios to ensure maximal protection of The City, its people and property. The City is currently preparing for a 38-foot crest, which is based off of the most recent National Weather Service probabilistic flood forecast for Fargo. Actual emergency measures deployed will be based off of future forecasts from the National Weather Service.

Plan for 2-feet of Freeboard
• Top of emergency measures at 40-feet

Existing Infrastructure
• Earth Levee - Approx. 27.0 miles
• Concrete Floodwall - Approx 2.5 miles
• Removable Floodwall - 12 locations
• Storm Sewer Lift Stations - 85

Emergency Measures
• Earth Levee - Approx. 0.4 miles
• Trap Bags - Approx. 0.8 miles
• Sandbags - Approx. 0.8 miles
• Total Length - Approx. 2.0 miles