
Far More is Happening Here

Media Relations

Submitting a Show for Broadcast

Fargo residents may sponsor programs for broadcast on Fargo Access 68. If you would like to submit a program, you will need to read the channel's policies completely. The policies governing Fargo Access 68 are available using the link on the left.

You will also need to complete the application and release forms for programming which are available using the "Fargo Access 68 forms" link on the left. Please read the guidelines and requirements for program submission before submitting your program.

Equipment and Studio Availability

Cable One has equipment available for checkout to Fargo residents wishing to create their own programs for Fargo Access 68. Editing equipment is also available for this purpose. Cable One will provide basic instruction in the use of the equipment, but residents are responsible for the shooting and editing of their programs.

To inquire about the availability of this equipment, call Tami at 701.461.7170.