Island Park Addition Historic Overlay - Design Standards
Existing Buildings
- Primary Structure - Historic Porch. Reconstruction of an historic porch shall be allowed to vary from setback requirements of LDC Article 20-05 (Dimensional Standards) if proof is provided that the porch was part of the original structure and that the re-construction is consistent with the historic feature. Photo Example
- Primary Structure - Dormer. New dormers added to existing structures shall be consistent with existing historic dormers on HNH or shall be consistent with the style of the building if there are no existing dormers. Photo Example
- Primary Structure - Skylight. Skylights shall be designed to have minimum visual impact and are prohibited on roofs facing the street.
- Primary Structure - Windows. Original window openings must be preserved. Photo Example
- Primary Structure - Chimney. New chimneys shall be clad with materials consistent with Historic Neighborhood Housing, also known as HNH (i.e., brick or stucco). Photo Example
- Accessory Structures. Accessory structures must be compatible with the style of the primary structure. Photo Example
New Construction
- Additions/New Primary Structures - Front Steps. New primary structures shall be designed to have four to five steps from the ground level to the bottom of the front entrance door. Photo Example
- Additions/New Primary Structures - Front Entrance. The front entrance of the primary structure shall face the street. Photo example
- Additions/New Primary Structures - Roof form. Roof form of any addition to the primary structure shall be consistent with the roof design and pitch of the primary structure. Photo example
- Additions/New Primary Structures - Roof pitch. All gable roofs must have a minimum pitch of 6:12. All hip roofs must have a minimum pitch of 4:12. Flat roofs and shed roofs are prohibited, except on porches.
- Additions/New Primary Structures - Building Height. Height of new construction shall relate to overall scale of HNH with a maximum eave height of 25 feet. Photo example
- Additions/New Primary Structures - Addition Height. Height of an addition to the primary structure shall not be greater than the height of the primary structure, except in the case of a second-story addition to a single story primary structure. In the case of such a second story addition, the resulting two-story primary structure must be consistent in with HNH. Photo example
- Additions/New Primary Structures - Chimney. New chimneys shall be clad with materials consistent with HNH (i.e., brick or stucco). Photo example
- Additions/New Primary Structures - Skylights. Skylights shall be designed to have minimum visual impact and are prohibited on roofs facing the street.
- Additions/New Primary Structures - Facade Openings. Primary façade openings (i.e., windows and doors) shall be vertical in their orientation. Photo example
- Additions/New Primary Structures - Facade Openings. Façade openings shall be placed in a balanced configuration. When an opening is comprised of multiple components, the components should be configured in a balanced manner consistent with HNH. The term “balanced” means a harmonious or satisfying arrangement or proportion of parts or elements. Photo example
- Accessory Structure - Garage location. Garages must be located in the rear yard. Photo example
- Accessory Structure - Height. Height of accessory structures shall not be greater than the height of the primary structure. Photo example
- Accessory Structure - Style. Accessory structures must be compatible with the style of the primary structure. Photo example
- Accessory Structure - Setback. An existing accessory structure that does not meet the setback requirements of the Land Development Code may be reconstructed in a location that maintains the existing “non-conforming” setback as long as the property line is verified by a registered land surveyor and the new structure is one-story in height with a maximum 10-foot sidewall. In the event an existing accessory structure is reconstructed, the accessory structure may be enlarged by as much as forty percent of floor area.
- Accessory Structure - Garage Doors. Garage doors visible from the street may not exceed ten feet in width. Photo example
- Front Yard - Open Space. Front yards must have a minimum of seventy percent open space, as defined in the Land Development Code. Photo example
- Front Yard - Parking. Parking of motor vehicles, boats and trailers shall be prohibited in front yards with the exception of driveways that extend from the street through the front yard to a garage. Photo example
- Historic Neighborhood Housing” (“HNH”). Housing that was built in the Historic Overlay District area as the original addition was developed. It is assumed that it is the historic neighborhood housing that provides the greatest contribution to historic character of the area. For this historic overlay district, Historic Neighborhood Housing includes structures built between 1880 and 1920.
Additional Resources for Homeowners
Island Park Addition Historic Overlay District authorized in Land Development Code Sec. 20-0305-J.2