Portable Signs
Portable signs must also have permits. A business may display a portable sign for 30 days, then it must be removed for 14 days before being displayed again for that business. Each business may have a portable sign for no more that 96 days per calendar year.
A site with six or more lease spaces may have two signs up at one time but there must still be 14 days between advertising for any one business on that lot. For every four businesses over the minimum of six a site is allowed one more portable sign at the same time. There must be 50 feet between portable signs no matter what their location.
The City of Fargo must be notified of the location and duration of all portable signs displayed before they are placed. There is a $15 registration fee for each placement. Companies who will be placing portable signs must also pay an annual $50 license fee.
You should submit a sign location registration form with the necessary information for approval before the sign is placed. This form can be found on our Forms & Publications page.