
Far More is Happening Here

Rising Star - Matt Hager Water Treatment
Rising Star - Matt Hager Water Treatment

Fargo's Rising Star - March 3, 2025

Water Treatment Operator III - Matthew Hager

Matthew Hager has worked at The City of Fargo’s Regional Water Treatment Plant for more than three years. He holds the title of Water Treatment Plant Operator III. His duties are focused on the complex operations of the plant and the drinking water pumping stations across the region.

He holds the second highest license in the State of North Dakota that certifies him as having the knowledge to be a water treatment plant operator, and he is actively working to obtain the highest license.

His work includes logging regulatory information, monitoring the computer control system, laboratory testing, plant flow changes, chemical adjustments, water plant maintenance and several other tasks.

Matt is known for his calm demeanor. He’s friendly and helpful to his co-workers, and he always shows a positive attitude.

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