
Far More is Happening Here

Frequently Asked Questions

How many hits does The City of Fargo website receive each year?

Over 2.6 million hits and nearly 1 million unique visitors were tallied in 2023.

Are the City's social media outlets generating interest?

The City's social media channels have nearly 300,000 followers.

Does the City respond to every media inquiry?

Yes - The City of Fargo is committed to providing accurate information to the media in a timely manner. Every effort is made to meet media deadlines.

Does the City respond to open records requests?

The City of Fargo processes more than 2,000 open records requests a year.

Does the City broadcast public meetings on television?

The City of Fargo operates two TV channels that broadcast City-provided content and City public meetings 24/7/365, including public meetings for Fargo Public Schools and Fargo Parks.

Who is the public spokesperson for The City of Fargo?

The City of Fargo has over 1,000 spokespeople and those are our City employees. The role of the Communications & Governmental Affairs (CommsGA) team is to locate the experts in our City government so the most appropriate City employee speaks with the media on a given topic.

Which department(s) does CommsGA serve?

CommsGA serves every department in the City with two members of CommsGA solely dedicated to public safety (fire and police).