Fargo Growth Plan 2024 is an effort to provide the City of Fargo with updated direction on where to grow and how to grow in the coming decades. It will be Fargo’s first updated growth plan since the last one was adopted in 2007.
Fargo’s new growth plan will provide long-range guidance on land use and land development to the City of Fargo, its partner agencies, and the private sector. As with Fargo’s previous growth plans, it will be used to inform updates to the Land Development Code (LDC), aid the development of capital investment plans for services and utilities, shape future transportation plans, and guide the development of new programs and policies related to development and redevelopment.
Visit FargoGrowthPlan.org for up-to-date information.

The process is organized into three overlapping phases of work in 2023-24:

Development of the Fargo Growth Plan 2024 is being informed and guided by the Fargo community through a variety of engagement methods, including:
Advisory Committee
An advisory committee of local stakeholders is working closely with project consultants and City staff to help identify key issues, interpret findings, and guide the planning process.
Advisory Committee Members
In addition to helping the City and its consultants identify key issues and interpret project findings, committee members also serve as important conduits to the community through the organizing of Kitchen Table Conversations with colleagues, neighbors, and friends.
Technical Committee
This committee will consist of city staff and stakeholder staff members who are responsible for communicating priorities, issues and guidance on daily impacts. They will provide assistance to the consulting team and planning department staff to ensure stakeholder interests are in keeping with the regional issues. The committee includes local utilities and city department representatives of utilities, health, engineering, public safety, and others.
Technical Committee Members
Stakeholder Interviews
Key stakeholders in the community, including elected officials, civic leaders, advocacy groups, developers, neighborhood advocates, and others, will be connected with throughout the process.
Presentations to Planning and/or City Commission
Open Houses and Online Surveys
- June 2023
- October 2023