
Far More is Happening Here

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Core Neighborhoods Logo
Core Neighborhoods Logo

Core Neighborhoods Plan

Fargo’s core neighborhoods are a vital part of the city’s past, present, and future. As Fargo’s original neighborhoods, they house many of its most important assets and offer a wide range of residential and economic opportunities to a growing and increasingly diverse region.

Appreciation of the roles that these neighborhoods play in the life of Fargo—and the issues that inevitably affect neighborhoods as they age and evolve—is the impetus for this plan. In the wake of the Downtown InFocus plan from 2018 and the earlier Go2030 Comprehensive Plan, the need for renewed and focused attention to the core neighborhoods has become broadly recognized.

Rather than a piecemeal approach to planning for the future of the core neighborhoods, a process was designed for residents and other stakeholders to come together and create a unified plan for the core that also responds to the opportunities and challenges in each neighborhood.

The result is a Core Neighborhoods Master Plan that achieves both a core-wide perspective for long-term policymaking and a neighborhood-level focus on desired outcomes and implementation.

Neighborhood Implementation Briefs

Project Steering Committee Meetings & Documents

Project materials are listed chronologically from oldest to newest.

Core Neighborhoods Map
Core Neighborhoods Map

Project Study Area