Frequently Asked Questions
What is the City’s total budget?
The approved 2024 budget is $367 million; The City’s General Fund represents $119.8 million.
What is the sales tax rate in Fargo, North Dakota and what is it used for?
The total sales tax collection rate is 7.5% which consists of 5% State of North Dakota, 2% The City of Fargo and ½% for Cass County. All changes in the City of Fargo sales tax rate require a public vote. All of the City’s sales tax resources are currently restricted to fund infrastructure projects. At present, 1.25% of our sales tax is allocated to flood control projects and .75% to other infrastructure categories.
Who determines my property tax rate for City services?
The City Commission approves changes in property tax rates in conjunction with the annual budget process based upon prioritization of services for our community. The City currently levies 57 mills, including 2 for the Municipal Airport Authority. The consolidated tax mills for all taxing entities in Fargo is 296.60. The City portion represents 19.2% of the consolidated mill levy.
How many full time employees work for the City of Fargo?
If I have a question about how sales taxes are administered who do I call?
Contact the State Tax Commissioner at 701.328.1246. The State provides administrative support in the collection of all sales taxes.
When is the budget approved and how can I participate in this process?
The City budget is prepared during the summer months and a preliminary budget is presented in August. There is a public opportunity to voice your opinion about the preliminary budget before it is finalized by October 7th. You will be provided the opportunity to speak directly with the City Commissioners and staff with any questions or concerns about the budget.
Can I pay my special assessments off prior to maturity?
Yes, you can pay your special assessments off at any time. The default method of collection is over a twenty-five year amortization period.
What innovative and unique programs are operated by Fargo?
There are several projects including conversion of landfill gas to electricity, providing recycled wastewater to an ethanol plant, being a regional utility provider to neighboring communities, operating hybrid transit coaches and specialized pre-treatment of roadway to minimize snow pack. This City has been a leader in advancing innovative ideas that produce positive results.
What financial assistance programs are available to Fargo residents?
Fargo residents are encouraged to research the following financial assistance programs to determine if you may qualify:
- North Dakota Homestead Credit
- Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
- Lifeline
- North Dakota Help for Homeowners