Fargo City Commission - June 28, 2022 Minutes
Agreeable with a call for a Special Meeting issued by Mayor Mahoney, the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, convened in a Special Meeting in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall at 4 o'clock p.m., Tuesday, June 28, 2022.
The Commissioners present or absent were as shown following:
Present: Kolpack, Piepkorn, Preston, Strand, Mahoney.
Mayor Mahoney presiding.
Oath of Office Administered to Mayor Mahoney and Commissioners Piepkorn and Kolpack:
Judge Steve Dawson administered the Oath of Office to Mayor Tim Mahoney, and Commissioners Dave Piepkorn and Denise Kolpack.
Commissioner Piepkorn Appointed Deputy Mayor:
Mayor Mahoney said his recommendation is to reappoint Commissioner Piepkorn as Deputy Mayor.
Commissioner Preston said she would like to have Commissioner Strand considered to be Deputy Mayor.
Commissioner Preston moved Commissioner Strand be appointed Deputy Mayor.
The motion died for lack of a second.
Mayor Mahoney said the role of Deputy Mayor is often the more senior Commissioner and since Commissioner Piepkorn was previously Deputy Mayor, he would stand for that position.
Commissioner Strand said he is honored and he thanked Commissioner Preston for taking that step. He said it is no secret that he asked the Mayor to consider him, and he will stand with the decision of the Commission.
Commissioner Piepkorn moved Commissioner Piepkorn be appointed Deputy Mayor.
Second by Kolpack. On call of the roll Commissioners Piepkorn, Kolpack, Preston and Mahoney voted aye.
Commissioner Strand voted nay.
The motion was declared carried.
Discussion on Liaison Commissioner Assignments:
Mayor Mahoney said he has had conversations with each of the Commissioners about the liaison assignments. He said he is moving some assignments around. He said he wants Commissioner Preston to work with the Planning Department to get the Core Neighborhood Plan expedited this next year. He would like Commissioner Strand to work on the Downtown Infocus, he said, and Commissioner Strand has also indicated willingness to work with Homelessness and Addiction, which is part of the Health Department. He said a debate on Downtown is about whether it is a residential area or entertainment sector and there are many elements Commissioner Strand can work on. The Sustainability and Resiliency Committee has come about recently and Commissioner Strand would take that assignment. Many of the assignments are the same as last term, he said, and all the Commissioners have a lot on their plates and will keep busy. If there is something a Commissioner is passionate about, he is open to discuss it, he said, and he feels it is important to have a Deputy Mayor appointed, he said; however, liaison assignments can wait until the next Regular Meeting on July 11.
In response to a question from Commissioner Preston asking if the Mayor is suggesting the formation of a Core Neighborhood Committee and a Homelessness and Addiction Committee, Mayor Mahoney said that is his intent. He would ask Commissioners Preston and Strand to help staff sort that out, he said, as he would not want a conflict with the department goals in Planning or Health. His expectation would be quarterly reports to the Board from those liaisons.
Commissioner Strand suggested the possibility of a parliamentarian who it could be a valuable resource, particularly when parliamentary questions about how to proceed are anticipated.
In response to a question from Mayor Mahoney asking whether parliamentarians are found in the legal field, City Attorney Nancy Morris said such experts can be in the legal field, in the general public and in University settings and availability can be looked into.
Commissioner Strand moved that the Board adjourn.
Second by Kolpack. All the Commissioners voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
The time at adjournment was 4:11 o’clock p.m.