Native American Commission - September 3, 2020 Minutes
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Native American Commissioners of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall at 12:00 p.m., Thursday, September 3, 2020.
The Native American Commissioners present or absent were as follows:
Present: Sharon White Bear, John Strand, Anna Johnson, Lenore King, Rebecca Knutson, Chalsey Snyder, Whitney Fear, Heather Keeler
Absent: Sonya Donahue
Item 1. Welcome and Introductions
Willard Yellow Bird, Jr. opened the meeting in prayer.
Chair King welcomed Members to the meeting and introductions were made.
Item 2. Approve Order of Agenda & Minutes
Member Snyder moved the Order of Agenda be approved as presented. Second by Member Fear. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
Member Snyder moved the minutes of the August 6, 2020 Native American Commission be approved as presented. Second by Member Knutson. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
Item 3: Public Comment
None provided.
Item 4: Presentation: NDSU Land Acknowledgement and Indigenous Efforts
Laura Oster-Aaland and Tara Nelson, North Dakota State University (NDSU) representatives, spoke on the NDSU Land Acknowledgement Statement and other Indigenous efforts being conducted on campus to elevate the institutional awareness of the statement. They thanked the Board for the feedback previously provided on the statement, and noted the statement has not been finalized, but they plan to bring it back before the Native American Commission once it has been.
Discussion was held on the relocation of the Grandmother Earth’s Gift of Life Garden on campus, work being done to retain, support, and graduate Native American students, and on ripple effects the statement may have to other entities.
Item 5. Presentation: ND Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health
North Dakota Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health Parent Coordinator Tanya RedRoad presented an overview of the advocacy and support program. She provided a handout to the Board and stated her contact information is or 701.235.9923.
Discussion was held on the age range of students supported, process for support, and if support is only for North Dakota or if it can cross into Moorhead as well.
Item 6. Subcommittees and Work Plan
Chair King noted that several community members have been invited to the meeting to speak on work associated with the Boards Subcommittees.
Gladys Ray Shelter representative Leah Siewert-Oberg provided an overview of the shelter and its history. She noted that housing barriers have been lowered or removed due to COVID-19, making housing people easier. They have been able to provide housing for more individuals.
Discussion was held on how the Board can connect with the work that is being done at the Gladys Ray Shelter, landlord education and regulations, support items needed to furnish newly housed individuals, and numbers of individuals being served.
Delores Gabbard spoke on behalf of the Moorhead Indian Education Program. She provided an overview of the number of Native American students in the Moorhead School District, noted the current district schedule, and talked about the needs of students and their families.
Discussion was held on face mask availability for students through the Indigenous Association, and school supply distribution.
Member Knutson stated that Melody Staebner, the Director of the Fargo/West Fargo Indian Education, was unable to attend today’s meeting. A calendar handout was provided of Indian Education events for the school year to the Board.
Member Knutson read a statement from Ms. Staebner highlighting the school supply drive and distribution, professional development for staff, and school year events. More information can be obtained by calling 701.446.3052 or through the website
Chair King noted that the subcommittees have been formed and next steps are choosing chairs for the subcommittees.
Member Strand requested to be added to the Housing Subcommittee.
Item 7. COVID-19 Updates
Planning and Development Director Nicole Crutchfield and Assistant Planner Catlyn Christie stated a memo was included in the packet of community funding needs related to COVID-19.
Member Fear stated it is important for community members to stay in the know, check information, and wear masks to protect others.
Item 8. Old Business
a. Indigenous Association Update
Not heard at this time.
b. Indigenous Peoples’ Day – October 12, 2020
Not heard at this time.
Item 9. Announcements
Sandy Berlin and Joe Whitehawk provided statements to the Board regarding the adversity coming out around the sweatlodge. They noted the elders want to support and to help the Native American Commission and the community.
Members Fear and Johnson absent.
Ms. Berlin stated any elders that want to be part of discussions can contact her at
Item 10. Staff Report
Included in the packet for review.
Item 11. Next Meeting – October 1, 2020
The time of adjournment was 1:10 p.m.