Native American Commission - March 5, 2020 Minutes
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Native American Commissioners of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the Sky Commons at the Fargo Civic Center at 12:00 p.m., Thursday, March 5, 2020.
The Native American Commissioners present or absent were as follows:
Present: Sonya Donahue, Anna Johnson, Lenore King, Rebecca Knutson, Chalsey Snyder, Whitney Fear, Heather Keeler, John Strand (via conference call)
Absent: Sharon White Bear
Item 1. Welcome and Introductions
Chair King welcomed Members to the meeting and introductions were made.
Item 2. Prayer
Member King led the Board in Prayer.
Item 3. Approve Order of Agenda & Minutes
Member Johnson moved the Order of Agenda and the minutes of the February 6, 2020 Native American Commission meeting be approved. Second by Member Keeler. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
Item 4: Presentation: Historical & Cultural Society of Clay County, Markus Krueger
Markus Krueger with the Historical and Cultural Society of Clay County, Minnesota spoke on the upcoming community anniversaries celebrating the founding of many local cities along the Northern Pacific Railway. He noted that the Hjemkomst Center will be doing an exhibit and want to honor the Native people who were here before the Europeans. The exhibit will be hosted from February 2021 through December 2023, and they are looking for partners to help create additional programming.
Member Fear present.
The Board discussed connecting with the Fargo Public Schools, local Indian Education Programs, the MMIW (Murdered Missing Indigenous Women) Task Force, and the Plains Art Museum as partners.
Member Snyder present.
Item 5. Sponsorship Request: Woodlands and High Plains Powwow
Glory Ames, Co-President of the MSUM (Minnesota State University-Moorhead) American Indian Student Association, presented the sponsorship request for $1500 towards the Woodlands and High Plains Powwow. She provided an overview of their intentions for the funds.
Discussion was held on what would be included for the Native American Commission with the sponsorship.
Member Fear moved to approve the $1500 sponsorship request for the Woodlands and High Plains Powwow. Second by Member Knutson. On call of the roll Members Donahue, Knutson, Snyder, Johnson, Strand, Fear, and King voted aye. Absent and not voting: Member White Bear. Member Keeler abstained from voting. The motion was declared carried.
Item 6. Old Business
a. FM Native Programs Consultant update
Native American Commission liaison to the FM Native Programs, Member Fear, shared that work is being done to finalize the strategy statement and values.
Member Snyder noted that they are working on infrastructure and sustainability as well as looking for a permanent space within two years.
Item 7. Public Comment
Joe Williams, Director of Native Programs at the Plains Art Museum, provided information on a new exhibition beginning March 21 entitled “She Gives” by Dyani White Hawk.
Mr. Williams also presented information regarding two upcoming programs. The Northern Plains Summer Art Institute will be a two-week program held June 14-26 for Native American high school students or college freshman that apply and are accepted to the program. He also shared information about the Creative Community Leadership Institute (CCLI) and stated that the application deadline is March 8.
Mr. Williams additionally shared that a march will be held on April 7, in Sisseton, South Dakota to bring awareness to AJ Lufkins who has been missing for ten years.
Item 8. Announcements
Member Keeler shared admission information for the Woodlands Powwow on Saturday March 28.
Member Keeler stated Saturday, March 14 the Women’s March will be held from 12:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. beginning at the North Dakota State University Memorial Union.
Item 9. Staff Report/February Recap
A video on the 2020 Census featuring Chair King was viewed.
Planning Coordinator Tia Braseth stated the video can be shared and will be sent to Board Members. She noted that it is also available in additional languages.
Member Fear reviewed items from the February recap report including fair housing advocacy, the Core Neighborhood Plan, improvements to the Gladys Ray Shelter, Sweat Lodge Update, the “Women in Blanket” city-owned artwork, the Human Relations Commission Work Plan, and the Planning Department 2020 priorities.
Member King absent.
Member Johnson and Mr. Williams shared their thoughts on the “Women in Blanket” city-owned artwork.
Item 10. Strategic Planning
Member Fear shared that Member Johnson is the current artist in residence at the West Acres Mall.
Assistant Planner Catlyn Christie shared that sandbagging efforts will be occurring March 10-13 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. She noted that a press release will be coming out and those interested in volunteering with groups of 15 or more can call 701.476.4141.
Item 11. Adjourn: Next Meeting – April 2, 2020
The time of adjournment was 12:53 p.m.