Native American Commission - July 9, 2020 Minutes
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Native American Commissioners of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall at 12:00 p.m., Thursday, July 9, 2020.
The Native American Commissioners present or absent were as follows:
Present: Sharon White Bear (via conference call), John Strand, Sonya Donahue, Anna Johnson (via conference call), Lenore King, Rebecca Knutson, Chalsey Snyder, Heather Keeler (via conference call)
Absent: Whitney Fear
Item 1. Welcome and Introductions
Chair King welcomed Members to the meeting and introductions were made.
Member Snyder led the Board in Prayer.
Item 2. Approve Order of Agenda & Minutes
Member Knutson moved the Order of Agenda and the minutes of the March 5, 2020 Native American Commission meeting be approved. Second by Snyder. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
Item 3: Bylaws Update
Member White Bear presented three areas of the proposed bylaws for more discussion and possible editing. She noted Article 3, Section H to clarify if it should read removal of an officer or member; Article 5, Section C to clarify who would be present at the annual budget meeting; Article 6, Section A, Subsection d to consider adding a public relations committee and to provide specification on the role and reach of the education and cultural awareness committee.
Member Knutson suggested an option that this meeting serve as a first reading for discussion, and to have a final reading and approval at the next meeting.
Member Snyder stated she would like to discuss the three changes presented.
Member Snyder moved to update the word officer to member in Article 3, Section H. Second by Member Stand. On call of the roll Members Strand, Knutson, Snyder, Donahue, White Bear, Johnson, Keeler, and King voted aye. Absent and not voting: Member Fear. The motion was declared carried.
Member Snyder moved for Article 5, Section C in the proposed bylaws to remain as written. Second by Member Johnson.
Discussion was held that there should be more work done on this Section to allow further clarification and detail in the wording regarding who would be present at the annual budget meeting.
On call of the roll Member Snyder voted aye. Members White Bear, Keeler, Johnson, Knutson, Strand, Donahue, and King voted nay. Absent and not voting: Member Fear. The motion failed.
Member Snyder noted in reference to Article 6, Section A, Subsection d, that Public Relations was proposed to be removed as a subcommittee since the City does its own Public Relations.
Member Snyder moved to have Article 6, Section A, Subsection d, remain as written in the proposed bylaws. Second by Member Knutson.
Discussion was held on needing more descriptions of what each committee will do and oversee. Member White Bear noted the importance of the Native American Commission to be a voice as a Board.
On call of the roll Members Snyder and Knutson voted aye. Members Strand, Donahue, Johnson, Keeler, White Bear, and King voted nay. Absent and not voting: Member Fear. The motion failed.
Item 4. Presentation: Northern Plains Summer Art Institute, Joe Williams
Joe Williams, Plains Art Museum Director of Native American Programs, shared an overview and recap of the Northern Plains Summer Art Institute that was conducted virtually this year in June. He noted this Native American summer online art program was the first in the nation and that 14 students attended.
Mr. Williams stated they are currently planning for next year, and hoping to be in person. He shared they are planning an exhibition show at the Plains Art Museum and requested the community to be present at the reception to celebrate the young people and the work they are doing.
Member Snyder encouraged Mr. Williams to connect with Audra Stonefish and the Indigenous Association.
Discussion was held on how outreach was done to reach students for the program.
Mr. Williams additionally noted that the Plains Art Museum’s current artist in residence, Falcon Gott, is creating a documentary on the Northern Plains Summer Art Institute and hoping to have it completed in the fall.
Item 5. Indigenous Peoples’ Day
Chair King shared the celebration is scheduled for October 12 in collaboration with Moorhead, and will be hosted by Fargo this year. She stated that those interested in serving on the planning committee can contact her.
Member Snyder noted for those on the planning committee to consider COVID-19 and all safety measures required to do this event safely.
Member White Bear suggested forming a committee to evaluate options for the event in case in-person options are not available.
Item 6. Old Business
a. FM Native Programs Consultant Update
Indigenous Association Principal Executive Officer Audra Stonefish provided an overview of her background. She noted that she is working to build momentum for the program, and build community structure towards the next steps. She is planning to work with different organizations, develop goals, and stated a website should be going live soon.
Ms. Stonefish shared that the Indigenous Association is a registered 501(c)(3).
b. Indigenous Garden/Orchard Project Update
Chair King shared the Indigenous Garden is planted at the Gladys Ray Shelter. She noted volunteers have been out watering, and trees are currently being planted. She stated the progress is going well.
Item 7. Public Comment
No public comment was provided.
Item 8. Announcements
Member Snyder thanked those in attendance for wearing facemasks, and encouraged all to continue wearing to help the community.
Chair King noted that work is being done on planning Indian Relay Races to be held next year at the Horse Park, and she will keep the Board updated.
Member Strand shared that Habitat for Humanity is accepting applications and encouraged those in need to apply.
Item 9. Staff Report
Chair King provided an overview of the staff report included in the packet including the following topics: Red River Valley COVID-19 Task Force, Black Lives Matter and OneFargo, Police Chief Selection Committee, and a Sweat Lodge Update.
Member Strand shared that BIPOC, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, discussions are front burner in our community right now. He encouraged the community to listen to each other and work together as this is a powerful moment in our time and we all have important roles to be played.
It was noted that Chair King is serving on the Police Chief Selection Committee as a representative from the Native American Commission.
Chair King noted that collaboration has been happening on next steps for the Sweat Lodge, and that she is the contact person.
Item 10. Adjourn – Next Meeting August 6, 2020
The time of adjournment was 1:09 p.m.