
Native American Commission

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Native American Commission - February 1, 2018 Minutes

Regular Meeting: Thursday, February 1, 2018

A regular meeting of the Board of Native American Commissioners of the City of Fargo, North February 1, 2018.

The Native American Commissioners present or absent were as follows:

Present: John Strand, Sharon White Bear, Lenore King, Francis Oakgrove, Guy Fox, Maylynn Warne, Ruth Buffalo, Rebecca Knutson

Absent: Clinton Alexander

Also Present: Kara Gloe, Nicole Crutchfield (City of Fargo), Chalsey Snyder (Indian Ed Parent Committee, Chair)

Item 1. Welcome and Introductions
Chair White Bear welcomed Members to the meeting and introductions were made.

Item 2. Approval of Agenda and Minutes
Mr. Foxed moved to approve the agenda and minutes. Ms. King seconded. All members affirmed aye and the motion passed.

Item 3. YouthWorks Presentation: Clare Mark
Ms. Mark informed the Commission that their program serves runaway and homeless youth ages 13-22. They have a variety of programs including working with human trafficking, shelter, out of school suspension, transitional living, etc.

Item 4. Public Comment
Mike Mitchell, Training Coordinator for the City of Fargo, gave an update regarding the diversity training implemented last year. He stated that in 2018 the City of Fargo is going to continue training, focusing on different ethnic groups regarding their experience in our community. He stated Audra Stonefish will be conducting a training regarding the Native American community.

Mr. Fox requested that the Native American Commission coordinate with the City of Fargo to establish a healing event to address the Sweat Lodge incident on February 23rd. Ms. White Bear requested Mr. Fox work with Mr. Mitchell to make that happen.

Ms. Warne suggested that the Native American Commission work with Ms. Stonefish to address issues facing the Native American community broadly. Mr. Mitchell said he would invite Ms. Stonefish to the next Native American Commission to review the training materials.

Item 5. Strengthening Government to Government Relationships and Partnerships Update
Ms. White Bear gave a brief update on the Government to Government Relationships and Partnerships conference. She stated that it was very informative and it is something they will put on every year.

Mr. Fox moved to put Strengthening Government to Government Partnerships conference in the budget for 2019. Ms. King seconded. All members affirmed aye and the motion passed.

Item 6. Welcoming Newcomers Procedure
Ms. Gloe stated that a Native American man contacted her and asked to be put in touch with members of the Native American Commission to learn more about the Native American community in the FM area.

Ms. Snyder asked about the Digital Smoke Signals page as a place to collect all local information. Ms. Buffalo gave an update regarding the Native American Commission Facebook page and asked for more information from Ms. Crutchfield. Ms. Snyder volunteered to help update the Smoke Signals page. Ms. White Bear will contact Crystal Gonzalez to figure out how to get access the Smoke Signals page.

Ms. Crutchfield suggested a separate meeting with the Native American Commission’s communications committee and City staff to help City staff understand the Native American Commission’s communication’s strategy. Ms. White Bear suggested Ms. Buffalo, Mr. Fox, Ms. Snyder, and Mr. Strand meet with City staff and asked for it to be done by the next meeting.

Item 7. US Department of Justice Partnership re: MMIW
Mr. Strand received an email from James Walters, Program Administrator from the Department of Justice, regarding partnering with the Native American Commission to do community training. Ms. Buffalo and Maylynn agreed to respond to this email and put Mr. Walters in touch with Ms. Fear and Ms. Gould from the Human Trafficking Coalition.

Item 8. FM Coalition for Homeless Persons Request
Mr. Fox was invited to be part of a steering committee researching homelessness in the FM area. Mr. Fox agreed to reach out to Mr. Schuler to get more information.

Item 9. Executive Committee Meetings and Agenda Protocol
Ms. Gloe updated the Commission that the Executive Committee will meet the second Thursday of the month. She further stated that she will send out a request for agenda items two weeks before full Commission meetings. Ms. White Bear stated that according to bylaws the Executive Committee meetings should be attended by The Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, plus one more member. She would like the extra member in attendance to rotate through the rest of the Native American Commission members.

Item 10. Committee Updates/Announcements
Public Relations: The “Remember the Hearts of Our Women” event will be held February 14th at 11 a.m. at the City Commission Chambers at Fargo City Hall. Ms. Snyder presented the event budget requesting $818.70 and asked the Native American Commission to sponsor it.

Ms. Warne suggested that the Native American Commission logo be added to the poster for branding purposes.

Mr. Strand suggested Senator Heitkamp and Governor Burgum be invited.

Ms. White Bear stated that per the bylaws the Native American Commission can approve up to $300 and she requested Ms. Gloe and Mr. Oakgrove get together to discuss the remaining request and bring a recommendation to the next Executive Committee meeting.

Ms. White Bear stated she would contact Monica Mayor, who is interested in participating in the MMIW task force, and ask for her support of the event.

Ms. Warne asked if people want to donate who they donate to. Ms. Gloe, Mr. Oakgrove, Ms. Snyder, and Ms. Buffalo will research donation policies and potential fiscal sponsors.

Ms. Buffalo stated that there are sister marches happening all over the country.

Education: Ms. Snyder stated that the next Indian Education Committee meeting will be held February 6th at 6:00 p.m. in Agassiz Building in the Education Loft. She further stated the Moorhead Indian Education public hearing is February 5th. The EIAY Tutoring kickoff will be February 21st.

Item 11. Old Business
Ms. White Bear requested recommendations for thank you cards. Ms. Warne suggested that they include the Native American Commission mission statement and have each Native American Commission member sign each note.

Ms. Buffalo gave an update on the MMIW Task Force invitation letter. Ms. White Bear requested that any revisions/suggestions be sent to her within the next week. Ms. Buffalo further stated that she has been contacted by community members who shared concerns that there are also missing men and boys.

Item 12. New Business
No new business.

Item 13. Adjourn
Adjourned at 1:34 p.m.