
Native American Commission

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Native American Commission - February 2, 2017 Minutes

Called to order: 5:40pm, Quorum: 5:41pm

Present: Connie Longie, Rebecca Knutson, Sharon White Bear, Clinton Alexander, Lenore King, John Strand

Absent: Guy Fox, Maylynn Warne, Tanya RedRoad

Also Present: Willard Yellow Bird

Approval of Agenda: Motion to edit Item 5, Strategic Planning Retreat, on the agenda as follows:

1) Change the word “rescheduled” to “restructured”
2) 5a should read, “Review committees/officers”
3) 5c should read, “Committees to meet before March meeting”, instead of retreat.

Motion made by Rebecca Knutson, Second by Sharon White Bear. Motion passed.

Approval of 12/1/16 Minutes: Motion Connie Longie, Second Sharon White Bear. Motion passed.

Proposal for Partnership for Native American Month – Diane Briggs & Yoke-Sim Gunaratne
• Diane Briggs is the Chair of the Board of Directors for Cultural Diversity Resources. Yoke-Sim Gunaratne is the Executive Director for Cultural Diversity Resources. The focus of the organization is on cultural presentations.
• From 2009-2012 Cultural Diversity Resources received a grant to start the Native American Center.
• They are proposing a partnership to host a weeklong event at the Downtown Public library, to include daily Native American cultural activities such as story telling, beading, etc., as well as documentaries focusing on Native American history, culminating in a keynote speaker or author. All events would be open to the public, and can include high school/college students to attend events as well. The library has a Public Relations contact person and would be able to provide public relations for the event. Cultural Diversity Resources is requesting at least two Members from the Native American Commission to join the planning committe, and want to get representation from schools/colleges. This could tie into One Book, One Community event.
• Mr. Alexander offered several names of folks who might be able to help.
• Mr. Alexander expressed concerns about the transition of the Native American Commission’s committee’s timeliness in conjunction with the event.
• Ms. White Bear expressed that she liked the idea of storytelling and beadwork, and also suggested basket weaving.
• Mr. Strand asked if the event will be documented. Ms. Briggs suggested they coordinate with the City’s videographer. There was discussion regarding the appropriateness of recording some storytellers.
• Mr. Strand suggested that there are grants that could be applied for.
• Mr. Alexander asked that as committees move out into February to come with their plans, that they consider how they can incorporate this event and expand that out to consider Indigenous Peoples Day.
• Ms. Briggs suggested that they would like to have the better part of the year to plan and get things on the calendar. She suggested a week in November during Native American month.
• Ms. Briggs requested suggestions from the Native American Commission for the One Book, One Community event.
• Ms. White Bear suggested that instead of folks from the Native American Commission, volunteers from the Native American community be asked to work this event.
• Mr. Alexander suggested drafting something to send out to students to present opportunities to get involved regarding Indigenous Peoples Day and this event.
• Mr. Alexander agreed to send contact information to Ms. Briggs and Ms. Gunaratne regarding who might be interested in getting involved. He also said that as the committees form and start meeting, they would keep Ms. Briggs and Ms. Gunaratne informed.

• 28th Annual Woodlands and High Plains PowWow is April 1st at MSUM at Nemzek Hall
• 4-H Drumsticks Group meeting is February 8th at 6pm at the NATO Center

Review Committees/Officers
Executive Committee – Guy Fox is Chair
• Chair: Guy Fox
• Vice Chair: Sharon White Bear – Motion Connie Longie, Second Rebecca Knutson
• Treasurer: Clinton Alexander – Motion Sharon White Bear, Second Rebecca Knutson

Sweat Lodge Committee
• Members: Guy Fox, Connie Longie, and Clinton Alexander
• Chair: Guy Fox

Public Relations (includes Indigenous Peoples Day)
• Members: Clinton Alexander, Rebecca Knutson, Sharon White Bear, Lenore King
• Chair: Sharon White Bear

Health and Wellness
• Members: John Strand, Clinton Alexander, Sharon White Bear, Lenore King, Connie Longie, Rebecca Knutson, Maylynn Warne
• Clinton will coordinate next meeting, chair will be chosen at that time

• Members: Rebecca Knutson, Maylynn Warne, Clinton Alexander, John Strand
• Chair: Maylynn Warne

Motion to approve committee structure and committee office as called and cast a unanimous ballot. Motion Sharon White Bear, Second John Strand.

Review of Events
• Thank you to Pastor Martin for allowing use of the space for New Year’s Eve Round Dance. Also thanks to everyone who made that happen.
• Move review to committee meetings
• Mr. Alexander will provide strategic plan to everyone
• Mr. Yellow Bird reserved the Civic Center for December 31 for next year’s Round Dance

Unfinished Business
• None

Committee Update
• City of Fargo mill levy vote will be on March 7th for Fargo Public Schools – for more information go to Fargo Public School’s website or Facebook page. An informational session will be at Son’s of Norway on February 3rd at Noon hosted by the League of Women Voters.
• Education Committee will meet along with parent committee with Indian Ed, next meeting is February 7th at 6pm in the Agassiz Building in the Loft Meeting Room. A meal will be provided.
o Recently completed action items include: meeting with Dr. Schatz regarding mill levy; completed parent evaluation survey of Indian Ed program which is waiting for approval and implementation; Mr. Alexander and Ms. Warne met with Jared Pigeon on ideas of engaging Native American students in community events and school volunteering opportunities.
o Items that are pending include: Parent Consultation Open Hearing and reporting of the data back to Native parents, which will be announced when a date and location have been determined. The parent group asks people to get informed regarding mill levy as a drop in funding could lead to a cut in programs.

New Business
• Recommendation for agenda items for next meeting include legislation items the Board should be tracking, in order to prepare necessary statements

Adjourn: 6:45 pm