Native American Commission - August 3, 2017
Regular Meeting: Thursday, August 3, 2017
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Native American Commission of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was called to order in the City of Commission Room at City Hall at 5:41 PM, Thursday, August 3, 2017.
Welcoming New Native Commissioners
Ruth Buffalo and Francis Oakgrove
Traditional Native American Honoring
1. Welcome and Introductions:
Chair Guy Fox open the NAC monthly meeting at 5:41 pm
Present: Rebecca Knutson, John Strand, Maylynn Warne, Guy Fox, Lenore King, Ruth Buffalo and Francis Oakgrove
Absent Sharon White Bear and Clinton Alexander
Staff: Police Liaison Vince Kempf and Willard Yellow Bird
2. Agenda and Minutes approved
3. Good of the Order:
A. Presentation: Chair Guy Fox gave the explanation on the Honoring Ceremony in the Native Culture and Tradition, the Native American Commission has been doing ever since the formation of the NA Commission.
4. Communities Updates:
A. Public Relations: Commissioner Maylynn Warne gave and update on a meeting her, Commissioners Clinton Alexander and Dr. Donna Grandbois (NDSU) had with Sanford and Essentia Health Hospitals on July 29 in regarding ongoing community assessment that all health non-profit organizations need to do for the IRS requirement on non-profits hospital. In the past when hospitals did the assessment they received only one native American survey back, they then asked for help to get a better idea for the native American health welfare. Doing the end of our participation, we received over 100 Native American survey through community programs. Commissioners Rebecca offer help to secure a place at Carl Ben middle school to sponsor a Native community Health Fair.
B. Standing Committees:
Chair Guy Fox explain to the new commissioners about the NA committees, he will send out the commission list to all commissioners to review and select what committees you would like to be on. Couple of the Committees mention were Health, Education, and Sweat Lodge (rules and policies).
C. Education:
Maylynn said the education committee has not met this summer but Maylynn said she does have a couple messages on the Indian Education meeting. The Indian Education parents committee will be meeting in August or September the date has yet to determine and the Ind. Ed. parent retreat has to be reschedule. Melody Staebner the Coordinator for Indian Educations program will be giving out backpack the NA student so check with Melody on the needs of our native students. Melody Staebner will get the parent to sign the 506 form during the backpack program. On August 9, the Fargo School District provided the North Dakota essential curricula of understanding training to some of the educators too get familiar with the curriculum.
D. Special projects:
a. NA Community Picnic, Chair Fox suggest we use the community picnic on August 26 to a back to school program.
b. The World Garden, Commissioner King gave an update on The Fargo Project which the committee decided to do a Min-Powwow on August 20th we will have two drum groups and provide buffalo stew and fry bread, so far and we do have a sound system. We have been reaching out to the Native Community for dancers and singers. Heather Keeler-Johnson and Breanna Bradley came from MSUM to help and volunteer with the Min-Powwow; they also helped with the Woodland and High Plains powwow last year.
c. Native American Month and Indigenous Peoples Day, Chair Fox also asked Heather and Breanna if they would work with NAC to work with common goals for November Native American month. Cultural Planner Willard Yellow Bird also said there is a need to have a better collaboration with colleges in working together with the Indigenous Peoples Days that the NAC sponsor. By working together as a team it would benefit the community has completely and will help the adverting for the November Native American Months programs of the colleges. Jered Pigeon (NDSU) will also help with his sound system for the mini-powwow he also said yes that was great advice for the need for collaboration between colleges and the community for important programs.
5. Committee goals:
a. Native American Community Picnic: Lenore King brought up the fact we need to start working on the Native American Community Picnic and we need the workers to be there about 10:30 am to start cooking and we usually start to close about 5 pm and start the cleaning. We also have bouncy house and horseshoes tournament during the picnics. Potluck style the Native Center usually bring the hotdogs and hamburgers and the Tim Cottonwood will bring the drum and maybe a 5 K walk, too. Lenore King will head up the committee for the World Project Min-powwow and the NA Community picnic.
b. Change meeting time for NAC: Revisited about the change of Native American Commission meeting timetable until next meeting.
c. Bonanzaville Museum: Commissioner John Strand said there is a need to keep the relationship going with the Bonanzaville museum and their cultural program because of all their native artifacts.
d. Chair Fox and NA Liaison Police Kempt have not met, yet, regarding the cultural training.
e. Sweat lodge and website still need has to be address and committee still needs to meet.
f. Chair Fox will send out email on the information on the NA standing committees. The Fargo forum also stop by doing the last meeting and asked if the NA commission if anything input with the City’s Cultural sensitive training had schedule for the city employees?
g. Commissioner Knutson revisited about the Public Library Native American Awareness Month programs, their committee were asking for some financial help with their programs of a $100 or more from the NAC. Their speakers are local individuals from the area and the need is not a lot of financial help. Commissioners Knutson suggest that the NAC should help a little with their financial need but get a clearer picture of their programs. Commissioner King, will follow-up and contact the Library about their Native Awareness schedule and be sure the Native American Commission will have their tentative program in the NAC meeting packet for our next meeting.
h. Indigenous People’s Day is October 9 there is a need reach out to the IPD committee for an update at the next meeting.
6. Goals August:
a. Update the new NAC members on standing committees
b. Rebecca will work Fargo public library and Cultural Diversity so see what their need is
c. August 20 World Garden for min-powwow dancers, singer and volunteers.
d. August 26 Native American Community Picnic 5 K walk and horseshoe tournament. Tim Cottonwood drum group
e. Willard will follow up with Bonanizallie to keep that relationship open
f. Clinton and Ruth will cultural sensitive Commissioner Ruth Buffalo will reach out to Clinton Alexander on the cultural sensitive for a general outline for NAC next meeting.
7. New business:
a. During the Diversion commission meeting, commissioner John Strand came aware that some culture site and artifacts were discover and they need to be evaluated. Commissioner Strand brought up to the diversion commissioners that maybe Native American commissioners might know some experts who help with the evaluation and they should keep the Native American community involved. Maylynn suggest contact the local tribes for their cultural experts such as the Chippewa’s and Dakota tribes in this area.
8. Public comment:
Adjourn at 6:42 pm