
Liquor Control Board

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Liquor Control Board - February 19, 2025 Minutes

Prior to the meeting beginning at 12:30 there was a presentation on Fake IDs.

Agenda items are:

l. Approve minutes of the December 18, 2024 regular meeting.
Motion Brekke
Second Hackman
Passed Unanimously

2. Review Liquor Applications
a. Transfer of a Class A license 518 Properties LLC d/b/a 518 Properties located at 4609 33 rd Ave South - ownership change presented by Sprague, was formerly Summit Nightclub, Transfer into Tyler Brandt’s name, once the concept is in place a transfer to the new ownership group will be obtained, no background concerns, further review on credit check history before going to City Commission.
Motion Hackman
Second Brekke
Passed Unanimously

b. Transfer of a Class A license from Borrowed Bucks to No Blue, LLC d/b/a Lyv at Uptown Main to be located at 2850 Uptown Way – presented by Sprague, no background concerns, further review on the credit history before going to City Commission.
Motion Brekke
Second Hackman
Passed Unanimously

c. Transfer of an FA-Golf license from Spirit Properties to Edgewood
Tavern LLC d/b/a Edgewood Tavern located at 19 Golf Course Road, presented by Sprague, this will have a full bar, some credit history issues that are dated, no background concerns.
Motion Hackman
Second Brekke
Passed Unanimously

3 Police Department Monthly Report
a. General Report Chief Zibolski, Bismarck-intoxicated bar tender-action was taken immediately with the employee, Chief Zibolski stated that he appreciated how it was handled by the owner.
There was an overserving incident at an establishment, the overserving ordinance currently has an appeal, holding off on taking additional action, individual was taken away in an ambulance, still doing some follow up on this incident.
Piepkorn asked what the City can do towards minors in establishments, Chief Zibolski stated that using scanners definitely helps and we are making good progress.
In reference to Bar Checks, Compliance checks are done every 3 months. in addition to that, officers are also doing walk through establishments, data shows that incidents have taken a definite decrease.

4. Other Items
a. Review penalties for minors entering a bar. Will Wischer, Assistant City Attorney, stated there are 3 different levels of offenses, the City can have a lessor offense but we can’t have more than what the State provides, right now the City is consistent with the State, Sprague also stated there are penalties to the minor, but there can also be administrative penalties to the business, unless law enforcement shows up to issue a penalty to the minor the City would not know who they are, Piepkorn stated that currently the City would like establishments to collect the fake IDs.
b. Food Compliance update 26/29 passed, one out of business, no response from 1 business, 1 business only allowed minors in one part of the establishments. No responses would have been considered a failure.
Server Training looks similiar to last year-more information to follow.

Adjourn 2:03