
Library Board

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Fargo Public Library Board – October 15, 2024 Minutes

Regular Meeting: Tuesday, October 15, 2024 Minutes

Board Members Present: Amy Ouren, John Rodenbiker, Wanda Mengelkoch, Kristen Schipper
Board Members Absent: Paul Jensen, Hannah James, Jenna Reno
Staff: Tim Dirks, Megan Lass, Cindy Haff, Beth Postema, Lori West

Board President Amy Ouren called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. A quorum was met.

Order of the Agenda
John Rodenbiker moved to approve the order of the agenda; Kristen Schipper seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Minutes of the Aug. 20 Regular Meeting
Wanda Mengelkoch moved to approve the minutes of the Sept 17 Regular Meeting; John Rodenbiker seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Public Comment
There was no one present for public comment.

Staff Report
Megan Lass presented highlights of staff updates and events including:

• Services
– The cost of printing black and white pages has increased for $.10 to $.15 per page. Free printing credits per card holder has increased from $5 to $6 per month.
– Hoopla service will be discontinued in 2025. The money previously spent on Hoopla will be put towards Libby to reduce wait times and broaden the collection.
• Children
– Train Days – Red River Modules Model Railroad Club
Main Library, Nov. 16 and 17
• Teens
– Zine Making – ages 11-15, registration opens Oct. 31
Dr. James Carlson Library, Nov. 12, at 4 p.m.
Main Library, Nov. 14, at 5 p.m.
• Adult
– Warriors in the North: Local Veteran Stories of Healing (part of the One Book, One Community event series)
Main Library, Oct. 17, at 6 p.m.
– ScanDay with the ND State Library
Dr. James Carlson Library, Oct. 28, at 2 p.m.
– Jazz Into Fall concert series (Sponsored by the Friends of the Fargo Public Library)
Main Library, Sundays in October, at 2 p.m.

Director’s Report
Director Tim Dirks highlighted his meeting with JLG Architects regarding the Staff Restroom & Work Area remodel possibilities. Their next meeting is Oct. 17 at which potential options and the financial projects will be presented.

Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business.

New Business
• Adjustment to Hours of Service
– The adjustment of library service hours to all locations being closed on Sundays year round and the Main Library opening at 10 a.m. Monday through Thursday starting Jan 1, 2025. The service hours adjustment is to ensure that that the level of service hours is sustainable within our current level of staffing. Director Tim Dirks listed turnover and absenteeism as a result of the current levels.
– Deputy Director Beth Postema presented a spreadsheet showing an average 2 week schedule for both exempt and non-exempt employees. She noted the current levels resulted in employees needing to work 7 or 8 days straight and averaging 11 out of 12 days worked. Beth Postema also explained extra time worked (for example, pre-open or post-close activities) have to be made up somewhere else in the schedule since overtime hours are not allowed by the City. She also showed the impact that the adjustment of service hours would make to both schedules. Director Dirks noted we have had top candidates turn down a position due to the current schedule model.
– Branch Manager Lori West spoke regarding the hiring process. Lori West explained that City of Fargo guidelines require many steps to follow in the hiring process from creation of the requisition to onboarding. Lori has been part of the hiring process for 8 open positions in the last year. She explained each open candidate process requires 12-20 hours of work before onboarding happens.
– Board Questions
John Rodenbiker asked if the employees are allotted breaks.
• We follow City of Fargo and state/federal employment regulations regarding breaks.
John Rodenbiker asked what the new hours would be.
• All locations would now open consistently at 10 a.m. Monday thru Thursday and Saturdays at 10 a.m. Fridays would continue to be an 11 a.m. start.
Wanda Mengelkoch asked how long we have had Sunday hours.
• With the exception of the Pandemic, we’ve been open on Sundays for at least 35 years.
• Director Dirks stated in 2024, Main has averaged 332 visitors per Sunday while the Dr. James Carlson Library branch has averaged 212 patrons per Sunday. He emphasized the need for us to focus on sustainability as we move forward with our mission.
John Rodenbiker agreed we need to have staff sustainability to maintain our superior programming offered at the library.
Amy Oden voiced fears that this would be seen as a permanent solution by the City Administration with potential future implications of more closures.
John Rodenbiker affirmed that we have a fantastic library with obvious growth. While it is disappointing, he acknowledged this is the best step to continue our mission.
John Rodenbiker moved to accept the item as presented. Kristen Schipper seconded the motion. It passed unanimously.
• Northport Library Projects update:
– Director Tim Dirks noted the door widening project is scheduled for mid-November.
– The carpet squares are on order; however, the installers and movers have not yet been scheduled.
– Director Tim Dirks confirmed that the Northport Library's Catalogue holdings can be hidden during the upcoming renovation closure.

Statistical Reports
September Usage
Director Tim Dirks noted continued increases in Attendance, Volunteer Hours, Electronic activity and Circulation in September. Total circulation has increased year-to-date by 8.27% with September seeing an all time high. He stated we are still on track to exceed 2019 numbers.

September Financials
Director Tim Dirks highlighted a $25 donation received for an employee’s excellent customer service. He noted continued gifts from the Friends of the Fargo Public Library with our sincere thanks. With 75% of the year lapsed, we are at 71.29% spent on our total annual budget. 2024 Revenue has now exceeded 2024 budget expectations.

Friends of the Library Report
No representative was in attendance.

Next Regular Meeting
The next regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 19, at 4 p.m. in the Fargo City Commission Chambers.

The meeting adjourned at 4:31 p.m.