
Far More is Happening Here

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Fargo Public Library Board – April 16, 2024 Minutes

Regular Meeting: Tuesday, April 16, 2024 Minutes

Board Members Present: my Ouren, Jenna Reno, Paul Jensen, Wanda Mengelkoch, Kristen Schipper, and John Rodenbiker
Board Members Absent: Hannah James
Staff: Tim Dirks, Megan Lass, Lori West, Cindy Haff

Board President Amy Ouren called the meeting to order at 4 p.m. A quorum was met.

Order of the Agenda
John Rodenbiker moved to approve the order of the agenda; Kristen Schipper seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Minutes of the March 19 Regular Meeting
Wanda Mengelkoch moved to approve the minutes of the Mar 19 Regular Meeting; John Rodenbiker seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Public Comment
There was no one present for public comment.

Staff Report
Megan Lass presented highlights of staff updates and events including:

• Staffing
– The part time Outreach Associate position will remain open until April 18
– 3 Staff member attended the PLA conference in Columbus, Ohio earlier this month
• Services
– Starting May 1, due to budget, we will be reducing the Hoopla checkouts from six to four per month. A maximum cost cap will be placed at $2.88/circ. item. Items above this amount will not be visible to FPL patrons.
• Children
– Butterfly Garden Adventurers Reader’s Theater
Saturday, April 27, 10 a.m. at Main Library
• Adult
– Craft Supply Swap
Saturday, Apr 20, 12 p.m. at Main Library
– Spring Plant Swap
Monday, May 20, 6 p.m. at Dr. James Carlson Library
• Multigenerational
– Northern Focus Photography Project
Submissions accepted through May 31

Director’s Report
Director Tim Dirks was on vacation from April 3 – 9.

Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business

New Business
• Programming Overview (Presented by Branch Services Director Lori West)
– FPL Focus
Free, All are Welcome, Community Connections
– Policy was approved April 2023
– Planning
Starts a minimum of 6 months in advance
Strong coordination between departments
– Types of Events (Child/Teen/Adult)
Passive (take home/reading challenges/etc)
Virtual (Facebook Book Party)
Annual, Ongoing, Special Day, Educational
– Why we are successful
Creative Staff
Friends of the Fargo Public Library support
Community partners & support
Feedback from attendees
– Board Member John Rodenbiker & President Amy Ouren both recognized and praised the strong diversity of events offered.

• Review of 2025 Budget Requests
– Board Member John Rodenbiker asked for information on what each requested position would cover
– President Amy Ouren asked for clarification on utilization of Harm Reduction Outreach Specialists
– Board Member John Rodenbiker inquired on the plans to repurpose the empty space
– President Amy Ouren inquired on the budget for benefited staff vs. seasonal employees
– Vice President Jenna Reno inquired on the historical trend of requests vs. what the city allots.
– *John Rodenbiker made a motion to accept the 2025 Budget requests. Paul Jensen seconded the motion. The motion carried.

• Review of Unattended Children Policy
– Kristen Schipper made a motion to accept the Policy without changes. Wanda Mengelkoch seconded the motion. The motion carried.

• Review of Volunteer Program Policy
– Kristen Schipper made a motion to accept the Policy without changes. John Rodenbiker seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Statistical Reports
March Usage
Director Tim Dirks noted continued overall growth in attendance and circulation.

March Financials
Director Tim Dirks noted gifts from a private individual for the Carlson Collection as well as continued gifts from the Friends of the Fargo Public Library with our sincere thanks. 2024 Revenue to date was $9,092.56.

Friends of the Library Report
FFPL President Michelle Anderson gave a report to the Board.
• December saw a generous donation from the family of Wencil Dusek
• FFPL was represented at the Volunteer Fair
• Applied for a $10,000 grant from the FM Area Foundation to cover the store manager position
– Part time (approx. 40 hrs./month) to manage:
Volunteer schedules for book store coverage
The till
Plan and run the book sale
• The next FFPL Book Sale will be held Jun 6-8.
– “Pack-a-Sack”
• FFPL acknowledged April 16 as National Librarian Day by delivering small treats for all staff. It was greatly appreciated.

Next Regular Meeting
The next regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 21, at 4 p.m. in the Fargo City Commission Chambers.

The meeting adjourned at 4:49 p.m.