Fargo Public Library Board - November 21, 2017 Minutes
Regular Meeting: Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Board Members Present: Rachael Steenholdt, Helen Levitt, Jan Ulferts Stewart, Mary Dickson
Board Members Absent: Carlos Hawley Jr., Howard Barlow, Scott Beaulier
Staff: Tim Dirks, Lauren Johnson, Betsy Dauer
Others Present: Bob Jansen
President, Rachael Steenholdt called the meeting to order at 4:05 PM, and a quorum was declared.
Order of Agenda: A motion was made by Mary Dickson to approve the Order of the Agenda. Helen Levitt seconded the motion; motion carried.
Minutes of October 17, 2017 Regular Meeting:
Jan Ulferts Stewart moved to approve the amended minutes of the October 17, 2017 meeting. Helen Levitt seconded the motion; motion carried.
Staff Report:
Staff updates and Staff development activities:
• The Main Library is currently accepting applications for a Full Time Outreach Specialist. This is a new position for the library.
• The library is also in the process of hiring a Library Page for the Main library and Carlson library. Hopefully those positions will be filled by the New Year.
Upcoming events (a partial and incomplete list):
• Reader’s Theater Workshop on Dec. 2 at 9am. This 2-hour workshop will give kids read-aloud practice and the chance to perform. Kids will work together to learn and present a selected story. After the workshop, parents can stop by for the performances starting at 11 a.m. ages 6 – 12 are welcome to participate, but space is limited. Pre-registration is required.
Notable Past events & programs (again, a partial list):
Adult Programming:
• Native American Festival and Education series was very well-received. The Library partnered with the following organizations: Native American Commission, Cultural Diversity Resources & Yoke Sim Gunaratne, the Plains Art Museum & Laura Youngbird, and the Daughters of the Earth.
The library hosted 4 events as part of this series: the opening day festival featured: the Buffalo River Drummers, Darlene St. Clair – presenter at the library on history of Native Americans in our area and the Native American languages; Anne Dunn – storyteller for this series; and Annie Humphrey – musician who performed as part of the event series; and Michael Gabbard – storyteller for the Saturday (11/4) event. Sunday’s event featured Melody Staebner – presenter on Native American Education and curriculum in our community. She was also on the committee of this project. Also hosted two films: Mino-Bimadiziwin: The Good Life, about wild rice harvesting in Minnesota, and the film Warriors which is about stories of Native Americans as soldiers in Vietnam and as Vietnam veterans in America. Both of these films were directed and produced by Deb Wallwork and she facilitated the discussion of each film event. Also, the following businesses and groups provided in-kind donations to this series: Bell Bank and graphic designer Lourdes Hawley – poster & bookmark cover design, Knight Printing – poster printing, and the Spirit Lake Tribe – 300 lbs. of bison meat. Jim Postema, Concordia College, and 5 Concordia College student volunteers – Jim arranged student volunteers for the library events on 11/4 and 11/5
• The One Book, One Community reading project finished up Oct. 24 with an author visit by Jaime Ford. This event was held at Concordia College and we had 213 people in attendance. He was extremely gracious and easy to work with on this project. We are very thankful to the Friends of the Fargo Public Library who co-sponsored his visit.
Children’s Programming:
The library hosted a Diwali program on Oct. 28th that was well attended with 75 people. At the program we had a storytime about Diwali, kids made diyas and they decorated Rangoli.
President, Rachael Steenholdt opened the floor for comments. Helen Levitt said she is impressed with the cultural programs and all of the time it takes to put them together. She continued to say the library staff has her appreciation and that the increase in cultural programs put on by the library are a direct result of the previous strategic plan as one of the goals was to provide more cultural programming. President, Rachael Steenholdt said she went to the One Book One Community author visit and was impressed with the event as well as the author. She offered her thanks to the Friends for providing support for the One Book One Community events.
Director’s Report: Director Tim Dirks referred the Board to his written report in the Board Packet. Director Dirks noted two strategic planning meetings from November 16 and 17 stating those were two busy days with the consultants from Maverick & Boutique.
President, Rachael Steenholdt opened the floor for comments. No comments.
Statistical Reports:
The library had 39,238 registered patrons for the month of October. Attendance was up 8% from October 2016 though down 1% year to date. Program attendance was equal to October 2016 and up 25% year to date. Internet signups were down 2% from October 2016 and down 5% year to date. Print circulation is down 0.52% year to date while nonprint circulation is down 2.82%.
Incoming donations totaled $5,534 and expenditures of donations totaled $1,917. The year is 83% lapsed while the budget is 82.14% expended. Revenue continues to be down from anticipated revenue. Director Dirks continues to closely watch the budget as the year begins to come to a close.
President, Rachael Steenholdt opened the floor for comments. Jan Ulferts Stewart asked what library revenue is made up from and what we do with it. Director Dirks responded that revenue is any incoming money excluding donations. Incoming money is made up of fines/fees and meeting room fees. All revenue generated by the library goes to the City of Fargo general fund.
Friends of the Library Report:
Bob Jansen was present and gave a report. At the last Friends meeting the Friends agreed to donate $1,322.20 for yoga equipment for Carlson as Carlson hosts yoga weekly. Revenue is up from last year. It has been a very good year. The fall book sale generated less revenue than the previous sale in the Community Room but more than if they had not held a sale. The Friends has 18 volunteers and they will receive gift cards as per the Friends board vote.
The board and Director Dirks gave their appreciation to the Friends for all they do for the library.
Old Business:
Strategic Planning Update from Director Dirks:
November 16 and 17 the consultants from Maverick & Boutique were on site to hold workshops. The surveys and workshops are complete and the consultants have all of the information they need to begin working on the plan. The first draft of the plan will be coming soon. Depending on the amount of back and forth conversation about the plan dictates when it can be presented to the board. Over 2,000 people took the survey and two iPad’s were given away by random drawing. The winners were notified and both have received their iPads.
President, Rachael Steenholdt stated her excitement to see the new strategic plan. Director Dirks stated he is anticipating some initial changes due to the new strategic plan with more long term growth to come throughout the three years of the plan duration.
New Business:
Circulation Policy Draft:
Director Tim Dirks referred the Board to the Circulation Policy in the Board Packet. Changes were made to update the policy to accurately reflect the types of materials in the collection.
A motion was made by Helen Levitt to approve the updated Circulation Policy. Mary Dickson seconded the motion; motion carried.
Electronic Communication Policy Draft:
Director Tim Dirks referred the Board to the Electronic Communication Policy in the Board Packet. Changes were made to the existing policy to mirror the City of Fargo Electronic Communication policy.
A motion was made by Helen Levitt to approve the updated Electronic Communication Policy. Mary Dickson seconded the motion; motion carried.
Public Comment: There was no public comment.
Next Board Meeting: The next regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 19, 2017, at 4:00 PM in the Fargo City Commission Room.
The meeting adjourned at 4:33 PM.