Fargo Public Library Board – July 18, 2017 Minutes
Regular Meeting: Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Directors Present: Rachael Steenholdt, Helen Levitt, Howard Barlow, Mary Dickson,
Directors Absent: Scott Beaulier, Jan Ulferts Stewart, Carlos Hawley Jr.
Staff: Tim Dirks, Lauren Johnson, Betsy Dauer
Others Present: John Strand
Chair, Helen Levitt called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m., and a quorum was declared.
Introductions were made to the new board member, Jan Ulferts Stewart.
Chair, Helen Levitt mentioned she had used the “May we suggest” feature that the library offers and was very satisfied with the results.
Order of Agenda: A motion was made by Mary Dickson to approve the Order of the Agenda. Rachael Steenholdt seconded the motion; motion carried.
Minutes of June 20, 2017 Regular Meeting: Rachael Steenholdt moved to approve the minutes of the June 20, 2017 meeting. Mary Dickson seconded the motion; motion carried.
Staff Report:
Staff updates and Staff development activities:
• The library recently hired Monica Lipinski as the new part-time Library Associate I at the branch libraries. Monica was previously a Library Page at the Main library, and that position has been posted.
Upcoming events (a partial and incomplete list):
• The remaining weeks for the Children’s Summer Reading program are Home is Where the Heart Is, and Underground and Undercover. There will be events nearly every weekday, so be sure to check them out. Some special presenters that will be at the library during the next month include Master Jim Grimestad from Red River Traditional TaeKwonDo on July 24th, and NDSU Entomologist Don Carey aka The Bug Man on July 26th.
• The 2nd session of the ‘Meet & Greet Your City Dept. Leaders’ series is set for Tuesday, July 25, at 7 p.m. at the downtown Main Library. City Forester Scott Liudahl will be the presenter for this session.
• The library will have a table at the Pride in the Park event on Saturday, Aug. 12, from 11 to 4 p.m. at Island Park.
Notable Past events & programs (again, a partial list):
Adult Programming:
• The Northern Narratives book launch and reception was Monday, June 26, at the Main Library and 27 people, authors and their guests, attended. A special “thank you” to the Friends of the FPL for supporting this writing project.
• Local author Newzad Brifki, writer of My Journey to America: A Kurdish American Story, visited the Main Library in late June for a reading and book signing event; 42 people attended this program.
Children’s Programming:
• The program Big Machines at the Library brought in around 300 people to the Carlson library on June 20th. We utilized the parking lot area behind the library for contain the machines and the crowd.
• Also, the Friendship is Magic My Little Pony party on July 8th at the Main library brought in over 200 people. Kids participated in some pony themed games, crafts, and snacks.
Chair, Helen Levitt thanked Lauren for the report stating it really highlights the creativity of the staff.
Director’s Report: Director, Tim Dirks referred the Board to his written report in the Board Packet.
Statistical Reports:
June Usage
The library had 934 new patrons last month with a total of just under 40,000 patrons. Attendance are down four percent year to date, yet program attendance is up significantly year-to-date. Volunteer hours are down 20 percent year-to-date as the library is down five volunteers. The website change significantly decreased web page hits as the analyzer was not gathering the needed information. This is being worked out internally. Circulation is down just slightly both in comparison of June of 2016 and year-to-date.
Chair, Helen Levitt added that the new website is not as user friendly to get from the City page to the Library page. Director Dirks encouraged Board Members to familiarize themselves with the new page and give notes.
June Financials
The Friends gave $1,980 in June for shelving for the teen collection at Main. The deposit for the teen shelving was $985 which was paid out in June. $719 was spent from the programming donation line. $200 was spent on books for the Northern Narrative project which was funded by the Friends. $95 was spent on staff development including way to go prizes as well as the walking challenge prizes. Overall 50 percent of the year has passed. The library is 48.75 percent expended. Revenue is down from 2017 projected revenue.
Friends of the Library Report: The Friends of the Fargo Public Library were not present at this meeting. Chair, Helen Levitt added her appreciation for all of the Friends support.
New Business:
Review of Library Board Bylaws
Director Dirks suggested a change for Article II, Section 2. In summary this section states the vision statement of the Library. The suggested change includes updating the text to the current version of the Library vision statement. After conversation about changes to the bylaws it was agreed that this meeting would serve as the announcement of the change that Director Dirks proposed and the change would be voted on at the next meeting on August 15, 2017.
Jan Ulferts Stewart brought up Article VII, Section 1. In summary this section states that the Board will employ and supervise a qualified library director. It was suggested that Director Dirks speak with the City attorney to get clarification on wording of this section as it relates to the Library Director’s job duties and bring the changes to the next meeting. The Board requested clarification on the process of adopting or amending changes to the bylaws. The City attorney will be contacted regarding Article VIII, Section 1. In summary this section states the rules of adopting or amending changes to the bylaws.
Public Comment: There was no public comment.
Next Board Meeting: The next regular and annual Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 15, 2017, at 4:00 PM in the City Commission Room.
The meeting adjourned at 4:40 PM.