Fargo Public Library Board - December 19, 2017 Minutes
Regular Meeting: Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Board Members Present: Rachael Steenholdt, Helen Levitt, Jan Ulferts Stewart, Mary Dickson, Carlos Hawley Jr., Howard Barlow
Board Members Absent: Scott Beaulier
Staff: Tim Dirks, Lauren Johnson, Betsy Dauer
Others Present:
President, Rachael Steenholdt called the meeting to order at 4:01 PM, and a quorum was declared.
Order of Agenda:
A motion was made by Helen Levitt to approve the Order of the Agenda. Mary Dickson seconded the motion; motion carried.
Minutes of November 21, 2017 Regular Meeting:
Jan Ulferts Stewart moved to approve the minutes of the November 21, 2017 meeting. Mary Dickson seconded the motion; motion carried.
Staff Report:
Staff updates and Staff development activities:
• The new full-time Outreach Specialist will be Kirstie Carlson. Kirstie was previously a part-time Outreach Specialist at the library. She will begin her full-time work on Jan. 2nd. Her previous position will be posted soon.
• The interviews for the two Library Page positions have also closed. Circ. managers are in the process of contacting the selected applicants.
• We also have two employees leaving the library – Branch Library Associate I Alexa Deschane has put in her two week notice. Alexa has worked at the library for 4 years. And Reference Librarian I Diane Briggs will be retiring in January, Diane has worked for the library for 50 years! We are sad to see both of these employees go. Their positions are currently posted and we are accepting applications. We will let the Board know when the retirement celebration for Diane Briggs will be.
• The Staff Holiday party was on Dec. 8th and was a nice treat for everyone. We played trivia and had a breakfast buffet thanks to Friends generous Staff Development donation.
Upcoming events (a partial and incomplete list):
• The library’s Winter Read-a-thon will begin for children and adults on Jan.8th. The program lasts through Mar. 4th. The theme this year is Make Your Own Winter Sport and will have an Olympic theme for the upcoming Winter Games.
• A 4-Part Wellness Series is Set for January. This will be a four part series--Microgreens & Sprouts on Jan. 9th, Grains & Plant Proteins on January 16th, Yogurt and Kefir on Jan. 23rd, and Kombucha on Jan. 30th. Pre-registration is required for these classes.
• The Children’s Department will be producing a children’s play in March of 2018. In our community, there are many theater groups and organizations that provide the opportunity for children to perform on stage. However, very few of these opportunities are free. The library would like to provide a real-life theater experience both onstage and backstage for area children with no cost to them. Our intention is to produce is The Wizard of Oz due to its large cast. This means that we won’t have to turn any children away. We would like to provide an authentic experience for the kids by having the play at a real theater, The Stage at Island Park. This play will be a benefit to kids who may have always wanted to perform or participate in community-theater but have not been able to afford the fees associated with that commitment. It will also benefit kids whose families are unable to accommodate the extreme time commitments usually required for theater productions, or those who are too shy to take part in the audition process. In addition to the production being a benefit to the children of the community, it will also benefit the community itself, by contributing to our robust local theater scene. This production will showcase the versatility of the library in our community, and will highlight the fact that the library is an organization that can give people access to the arts in more ways than they think. We also hope the children’s involvement in the library’s play will help them to express themselves creatively, improve literacy skills through read-aloud experience, build their self-confidence, and meet new friends. Play practice begins on Jan. 11th.
Notable past events & programs (again, a partial list):
Children’s Programming:
• The library hosted a Trolls party on Nov. 22 at the Main Library and we had a huge turn out! 350 kids and parents came the library to play Troll themed games, make crafts and have snacks. The event was spread throughout the main floor of the library. It was a great success.
President, Rachael Steenholdt opened the floor for comments. Helen Levitt asked who will be directing the children’s play. Lauren Johnson replied that the children’s staff will be overseeing this project and that children ages 7-12 are encouraged to participate.
Helen Levitt stated that each meeting the programming gets more and more diverse which shows how much the previous strategic plan met and exceeded the goals.
Jan Ulferts Stewart made a motion that the Board pass a resolution in recognition of Diane’s years of service, loyalty and stewardship for the Fargo Public Library. Director Dirks stated he will write up the resolution and show it to Jan Ulferts Stewart to make sure it is what she intends. Helen Levitt moved to approve the motion. Mary Dickson seconded the motion; motion carried.
Director’s Report: Director Tim Dirks referred the Board to his written report in the Board Packet.
President, Rachael Steenholdt opened the floor for comments. No comments.
Statistical Reports:
The library had 39,300 registered patrons for the month of November. Attendance was down 8% from November 2016 and down 2% year to date. Program attendance was up 23% from November 2016 and up 24% year to date. Internet signups were down 3% from November 2016 and down 5% year to date. Print circulation is down 0.66% year to date while nonprint circulation is down 2.34%. Total circulation is up 0.80% from November 2016 and 0.48% year to date.
Incoming donations totaled $1,357 and expenditures of donations totaled $1,345. The year is 92% lapsed while the budget is 89.71% expended. Revenue continues to be down from anticipated revenue. Director Dirks continues to closely watch the budget as the year begins to come to a close.
President, Rachael Steenholdt opened the floor for comments. No comments.
Friends of the Library Report: There was no Friends report.
Old Business:
Strategic Planning Update from Director Dirks:
The mission and vision draft came from the consultants. The Steering Committee is meeting Thursday at 1:30pm and after the holidays to discuss. Director Dirks recommended presenting the plan to the board at a special meeting in January prior to the regular January meeting so it can be approved at the regular January meeting. Jan Ulferts Stewart asked if the Board could see it at the January 16, 2018 and if applicable approve it in February at the regular meeting. Director Dirks stated he would check with the consultants and if needed the presentation of the plan could be pushed back. The Board agreed to review the plan January 16, 2018 and if applicable approve it at the regular February meeting.
President, Rachael Steenholdt asked if there were any additional comments. No more comments were presented.
New Business:
Access to Materials Policy Review:
Director Tim Dirks referred the Board to the Access to Materials Policy in the Board Packet. The Board requested the following changes:
• First paragraph to read “The Fargo Public Library does not deny or abridge use of the library because of an individual’s national origin, age, background, views, gender, or culture.”
• Second paragraph to read “The Library does not act in loco parentis. Parents/Guardians are responsible for children’s and young people’s reading, viewing, and listening.”
Due to the changes not listed in the Board Packet the broadcast of this meeting acts as a notice that there will be an action item to approve the changes to the Access to Materials Policy at the January meeting.
Art Displays and Acquisitions Policy Review:
Director Tim Dirks referred the Board to the Art Displays and Acquisitions Policy in the Board Packet. No changes were recommended.
A motion was made by Mary Dickson to approve the Art Displays and Acquisitions Policy as is. Carlos Hawley, Jr. seconded the motion; motion carried.
Bulletin Board and Brochure Tables Policy Review:
Director Tim Dirks referred the Board to the Bulletin Board and Brochure Tables Policy in the Board Packet. No changes were recommended.
A motion was made by Helen Levitt to approve the Bulletin Board and Brochure Tables Policy as is. Mary Dickson seconded the motion; motion carried.
Public Comment: There was no public comment.
Next Board Meeting: The next regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 16, 2018, at 4:00 PM in the Community Room at the Northport Library located at 2714 N. Broadway, Fargo, ND 58102.
The meeting adjourned at 4:36 PM.