
FARGDOME Authority

Boards, Commissions & Committees

FARGDOME Authority - October 30, 2018 Minutes

A regular meeting of the Fargo Dome Authority was held on Tuesday, October 30, 2018 at 3:30 p.m. in the FARGODOME Conference Room with President Troy Goergen presiding.

Members present: President Troy Goergen, Blake Nelson, Nancy Jordheim, Dan Armbrust, David Suppes and Michael Ellingson.
Members absent: Darrell Vanyo.
Others present: Brian Sellin – City of Fargo; Sarah Tabery, Director of Marketing and Sales – FARGODOME; Susan Thompson, Director of Finance – FARGODOME; Amanda Muellenbach,
Administrative and Auxiliary Services Manager - FARGODOME and Rob Sobolik, General Manager – FARGODOME.
Media present: None

President Troy Goergen called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m.

David Suppes made a motion, seconded by Michael Ellingson, to approve the agenda of the October 30, 2018 Fargo Dome Authority meeting as presented. Motion carried.

Blake Nelson made a motion, seconded by Michael Ellingson, to approve the minutes from the September 25, 2018 Fargo Dome Authority meeting. Motion carried.

Nancy Jordheim joined the meeting.

Rob Sobolik presented the General Manager’s report as follows:
• Year-to-Date Net Income through September 2018 is stated at $190,864, which is a negative variance (to budget) of $55,172.
• Upon review, Blake Nelson made a motion, seconded by David Suppes, to approve the September financial statements as presented.
On call of the roll, Armbrust, Ellingson, Goergen, Jordheim, Nelson and Suppes voted aye.
Absent and not voting: Vanyo.
The motion was declared carried.

Past Events:
NDSU Football vs. SDSU on September 29, 2018. Lisbon Youth Football on September 30, 2018. The Big One Art & Craft Fair on October 12-13, 2018. Ed Sheeran on October 17, 2018. NDSU Football vs. Illinois State on October 20, 2018. Finding Neverland on October 22, 2018. FM Athletics Youth Football on October 27-28, 2018.

Upcoming Events:
MN HS Football Section Finals - 8A on November 1, 2018. MN HS Football Section Finals – 6A on November 2, 2018. NDSU Football vs. Youngstown State on November 3, 2018. Dakota Bowl on November 9, 2018. NDSU Football vs. Southern Illinois on November 17, 2018. Fill the Dome on November 19-20, 2018. ND Ag Expo on November 27-28, 2018.
• Comments on Past Events: Nothing to report.

Blake Nelson presented the Fargo Dome Authority Building and Finance Committee report. The Fargo Dome Authority Building and Finance Committees met on
Wednesday, October 24, 2018. Items discussed included:
• September 2018 Financial Statements: The September 2018 Financial Statements were approved by the Finance Committee at the meeting on October 24, 2018.

Project Updates:
Building Upgrades: Rob noted that he, Troy Goergen and Mike Ellingson met with RL Engebretson on October 23, 2018, to review concepts and thoughts for potential building upgrades. RL Engebretson will be present at Authority meetings starting in November to review the progress of the project with the board.

Landscaping: Rob stated that he did receive a bid back from Land Elements for $11,450 after last month’s Building and Finance Committee meeting on September 19. Rob reviewed the quotes from Hansen Design, Land Elements and Houston Engineering with the Authority at their meeting on September 25. The Authority accepted a motion at that meeting to move forward with Land Elements for landscape architecture services. Land Elements is currently putting together a plan for the South and East sides of the building.

Blake Nelson made a motion to approve the Building and Finance Committee report as presented.

On call of the roll, Armbrust, Ellingson, Goergen, Jordheim, Nelson and Suppes voted aye.
Absent and not voting: Vanyo.
The motion was declared carried.

Additional Items:
Building Upgrades: Troy noted that representatives from RL Engebretson and Perkins and Will, along with Authority members and FARGODOME Building staff, are discussing potential site visits to Sioux Falls Arena, Target Center and Xcel Energy Center. The purpose of the site visits are to tour new buildings or newly remodeled buildings that have similarities to the proposed upgrades to the FARGODOME. The Authority agreed that the last week of November or first two weeks of December would be the best time to go.

The next Fargo Dome Authority meeting will be on November 27, 2018 at 3:30 p.m.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:03 p.m.