

Boards, Commissions & Committees

FARGODOME Authority - March 27, 2018 Minutes

A regular meeting of the Fargo Dome Authority was held on Tuesday, March 27, 2018 at 3:30 p.m. in the FARGODOME Conference Room with President David Suppes presiding.

Members present: President David Suppes, Darrell Vanyo (via phone), Blake Nelson, Nancy Jordheim (via phone) and Troy Goergen.
Members absent: Dan Armbrust and Michael Ellingson.
Others present: Bernie Larson, Assistant General Manager – FARGODOME; Sarah Tabery, Director of Marketing and Sales – FARGODOME; Susan Thompson, Director of Finance – FARGODOME; Amanda Muellenbach, Administrative and Auxiliary Services Manager - FARGODOME and Rob Sobolik, General Manager – FARGODOME.
Media present: None

President David Suppes called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m.

Rob requested to add Architectural Services RFQ Selection to the agenda under Additional Items.

Troy Goergen made a motion, seconded by Blake Nelson, to approve the agenda of the March 27, 2018 Fargo Dome Authority meeting as amended. Motion carried.
Blake Nelson made a motion, seconded by Nancy Jordheim, to approve the minutes from the February 27, 2018 Fargo Dome Authority meeting. Motion carried.
Nancy Jordheim left the meeting via conference call.

Rob Sobolik presented the General Manager’s report as follows:
• Year-to-Date Net Income through February 2018 is stated at $94,232, which is a negative variance (to budget) of $17,462.
• Upon review, Blake Nelson made a motion, seconded by Troy Goergen, to approve the February financial statements as presented.
On call of the roll, Goergen, Nelson, Suppes and Vanyo voted aye.
Absent and not voting: Armbrust, Ellingson and Jordheim.
The motion was declared carried.
• Past Events: RRV Sportsmen’s Show on March 1-4, 2018. ND High School State Class A Combined Basketball Tournament on March 8-9, 2018. Bacon & Beer Festival on March 10, 2018. Disney on Ice on March 15-18, 2018. PRCA Rodeos on March 23-24, 2018.
• Upcoming Events: Cinderella on March 28, 2018. Aerostar International on March 29, 2018. Shrine Circus on April 6-8, 2018. NDSU Football Coaches’ Clinic on April 13-14, 2018. FSA Food Show on April 18, 2018. NDSU Football Spring Game on April 20, 2018. Jim Gaffigan on April 28, 2018.
• Comments on Past Events: Nothing to report.

Blake Nelson presented the Fargo Dome Authority Building and Finance Committee report. The Fargo Dome Authority Building and Finance Committees met on Wednesday, March 21, 2018. Items discussed included:

• February 2018 Financial Statements: The February 2018 Financial Statements were approved by the Finance Committee at the meeting on March 21, 2018.

Project Updates
• Wheelchair Platform Upgrades: Rob noted that the wheelchair platform project in sections 6 and 23 has begun, starting with section 6. The estimated completion date of the project is mid-June.
• Suite Remodel: The suite interior remodel project has begun. The estimated completion date of the project is mid-June.

• Architectural Services RFQ: The Authority has completed interviews with the four firms that scored the highest on the evaluations of the RFQ responses: RL
Engebretson, TL Stroh, ICON Architectural Group and JLG Architects. This item will be further discussed at the Authority meeting.

• Rob updated the committees on a small fire that started in the building on Monday, March 19 in one of the dryers in the lower level of the building. The building will need to replace two commercial dryers as a result of damage from the fire.

Blake Nelson made a motion to approve the Building and Finance Committee report as

On call of the roll, Goergen, Nelson, Suppes and Vanyo voted aye.
Absent and not voting: Armbrust, Ellingson and Jordheim.
The motion was declared carried.

Nominating Committee: David appointed Darrell Vanyo, Michael Ellingson and himself to the 2018 Nominating Committee. The committee will bring forward the proposed slate
of officers at the next Authority meeting.

Troy Goergen made a motion, seconded by Blake Nelson, to accept the Nominating Committee as presented.
On call of the roll, Goergen, Nelson, Suppes and Vanyo voted aye.
Absent and not voting: Armbrust, Ellingson and Jordheim.
The motion was declared carried.

Architectural Services RFQ Selection:
The Authority has completed interviews with the four firms that scored the highest on the evaluations of the RFQ responses: RL Engebretson, TL Stroh, ICON Architectural Group and JLG Architects. The Authority received the same evaluation/score sheets back for the interviews. Points were added or subtracted to the initial score sheet based on the interviews and the score sheets were re-averaged following the interviews. Rob distributed the re-averaged score sheets, please see attachment. RL Engebretson has the highest score, followed by JLG Architects. A general discussion ensued.

Troy Goergen made a motion, seconded by Darrell Vanyo, to move forward with negotiating a fee and contract that covers the scope of the work with RL Engebretson. If an agreement cannot be reached with RL Engebretson, the next step would be to move forward with negotiating a fee and contract with JLG Architects.

On call of the roll, Goergen, Nelson, Suppes and Vanyo voted aye.
Absent and not voting: Armbrust, Ellingson and Jordheim.
The motion was declared carried.

Blake Nelson made a motion, seconded by Darrell Vanyo, to have David Suppes, Mike Ellingson, Troy Goergen and Rob Sobolik work together to negotiate architecture fees and a proposed contract.
On call of the roll, Goergen, Nelson, Suppes and Vanyo voted aye.
Absent and not voting: Armbrust, Ellingson and Jordheim.
The motion was declared carried.

The next Fargo Dome Authority meeting will be on May 1, 2018 at 3:30 p.m.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:10 p.m.