FARGODOME Authority - December 10, 2018 Minutes
A regular meeting of the Fargo Dome Authority was held on Monday, December 10, 2018 at 4:30 p.m. in the FARGODOME Conference Room with President Troy Goergen presiding.
Members present: President Troy Goergen, Blake Nelson, Darrell Vanyo, Nancy Jordheim, Dan Armbrust, David Suppes and Michael Ellingson.
Members absent:
Others present: Don Dethlefs – Perkins & Will (via phone); Mark Thiede – RL Engebretson; Kim Manuel – RL Engebretson; Katie Glen – City of Fargo; Bernie Larson, Assistant General Manager – FARGODOME; Sarah Dykema, Director of Marketing and Sales – FARGODOME; Susan Thompson, Director of Finance – FARGODOME; Amanda Muellenbach,
Administrative and Auxiliary Services Manager - FARGODOME and Rob Sobolik, General Manager – FARGODOME.
Media present: Barry Amundson – The Forum
President Troy Goergen called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
Rob requested to add a Bid Approval on the Cooling Tower to the agenda under additional items.
David Suppes made a motion, seconded by Michael Ellingson, to approve the agenda of the December 10, 2018 Fargo Dome Authority meeting as amended. Motion carried.
Blake Nelson made a motion, seconded by Dan Armbrust, to approve the minutes from the November 26, 2018 Fargo Dome Authority meeting. Motion carried.
Rob Sobolik presented the General Manager’s report as follows:
Due to the timing of the December meeting, November financial statements were not available. November 2018 financial statements will be discussed at the January meeting.
Past Events: ND Ag Expo on November 27-28, 2018. Health, Tech & Trades Career Expo on November 29, 2018. NDSU Football Playoff Game on December 1, 2018.
Upcoming Events: NDSU Football Playoff Game on December 14, 2019. Christmas Wonderland on December 20, 2018. Rumble on the Red Wrestling Tournament on December 28-29, 2018. Rumble on the Red Youth Wrestling Tournament on December 30, 2018. Fargo Marathon – Resolution Run on January 5, 2019. Fight the Frost on January 11-13, 2019. RRV Boat & Marine Show on January 25-27, 2019.
Comments on Past Events: Nothing to report.
Bid Approval – Cooling Tower: Rob noted that there is $75,000 in the 2018 capital budget for repairs to the cooling tower. Three companies responded to a bid to repair the cooling tower: Robert Gibb & Sons for $56,647, Peterson
Mechanical for $64,000 and Grants Mechanical for $63,715. Rob requested a motion to move forward with Robert Gibb & Sons. Dan Armbrust made a motion, seconded by David Suppes, to approve the bid from Robert Gibb & Sons for $56,647.
On call of the roll, Armbrust, Ellingson, Goergen, Jordheim, Nelson, Suppes and Vanyo voted aye.
Absent and not voting: None.
The motion was declared carried.
RL Engebretson Project Updates: The committee had a general discussion on the preliminary drawings that were presented at the last Authority meeting for potential building upgrades. The discussion included addressing questions from the Authority on entrances, concession placement, press box upgrades and placement, suite placement and location for a possible skybox. Several committee members noted the importance of updating the corridors, with an emphasis on making them brighter. RL Engebretson stated that the next step would be to reconnect with the committee working on the project updates to confirm a direction and work on costs. This items will be further discussed at the next Authority meeting.
The next Fargo Dome Authority meeting will be on January 29, 2019 at 3:30 p.m.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:11 p.m.