Community Development Committee - June 18, 2019 Minutes
The Regular Meeting of the Community Development Committee of the City of Fargo, North Dakota, was held in the Commission Chambers at City Hall at 2:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 18, 2019.
The Community Development Committee Members present or absent were as follows:
Present: Commissioner John Strand, Mayor Tim Mahoney, Jim Johnson, Linda Klebe, Michael Redlinger, John Gunkelman, Samantha McDonald, Ken Enockson, Thomas Hill (United Way)
Absent: Matthew Pike, Melissa Rademacher (DCP), Sami Eidenschink (HBA FM)
Item 1. Welcome
Chairperson Strand welcomed Members to the meeting and introductions were made.
Item 2. Approve or Amend Agenda
Member Johnson moved the agenda be approved as presented. Second by Member McDonald. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
Item 3. Approval of Minutes: April 16, 2019
Member Johnson moved the minutes of the April 16, 2019 Community Development Committee meeting be approved. Second by Member Enockson. All Members present voted aye and the motion was declared carried.
Item 4. Public Comment
No public comment was provided.
Item 5. Community Land Trust (CLT) Update – Information from the FM Area Foundation
Planning Director Nicole Crutchfield introduced April Walker, FM Area Foundation Board Member. Ms. Walker gave a brief background of the Community Land Trust project, including how the FM Area Foundation became involved.
Ms. Walker noted that the FM Area Foundation is currently working with a consultant, Burlington Associates, for the first phase feasibility study and development. She reviewed the goals of the community land trust and reviewed the proposed 5-year scenario.
The Board discussed the acquisition and location of properties, possible funding sources, next steps to move the project forward, and sustainability.
Item 6. Updates from the Fargo Housing and Redevelopment Authority
Ms. Crutchfield gave a brief update noting work is being done with the High Rise residents regarding next steps during the restructuring, a plan of action is being put together for a single room occupancy property across from the Library, and discussion is happening regarding a Housing Authority owned property on 42nd Street South.
Item 7. Neighborhood Updates
a. Overview of the TIF concept for the Roosevelt Neighborhood
Ms. Crutchfield provided a brief history of the project noting the St. Paul’s Newman Center Addition zoning change and plat have already been approved by the City Commission. She said that the developer has now submitted a petition for Tax Increment Financing (TIF), stating that the Century Code has limits to how TIF money can be used. Additionally, it was stated that this item would be heard at the Tax Exempt Review Committee meeting next week.
Ken Enockson and Jim Laschkewitsch spoke on behalf of the Roosevelt Neighborhood Association, noting that a neighborhood meeting was held about a month ago discussing this issue. Mr. Laschkewitsch stated that the neighborhood has not felt this project is a good use of TIF funds, and would rather see rehabilitation projects and enforcement to maintain the upkeep of current homes. They shared that Jim Gilmour, Director of Strategic Planning and Research, spoke at the meeting and reviewed what TIF funds could be used for.
Discussion was held regarding the upcoming Core Neighborhoods Study and its importance to identify neighborhood needs, affordable housing, the Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative program through Gate City Bank, and use of City funds for neighborhoods.
Member Strand stated the Tax Exempt Review Committee meets next Tuesday and this item is on the agenda.
b. Core Neighborhood Association
Ken Enockson spoke on behalf of the Fargo Neighborhood Coalition providing a background of those involved with the group, and stated that their goal is information dissemination, and being an advocate for neighborhoods and their common issues. He shared three top issues being neighborhood preservation and housing, a rental registry or licensing program, and a community land trust.
Discussion was held on interest in more information regarding the 64th Avenue South overpass project and funding. Mayor Mahoney noted that the 64th Avenue South project would not affect core neighborhood specials as they are not in close proximity to the project.
c. Downtown planning discussion – Carol Schlossman
Carol Schlossman, Downtown Neighborhood Association Vice Chair, provided the board with a handout regarding livability and affordable housing in downtown.
Main topics Ms. Schlossman shared were a focus on the Downtown Master Plan, increasing livability and affordability in Downtown, and accountability of alcohol serving establishments including tracking place of last drink (POLD).
Discussion was held on the data included in the handout. Mayor Mahoney stated that he would like Ms. Schlossman to coordinate with the Planning Department regarding the data for verification.
Item 8. Staff Updates
Ms. Crutchfield introduced the new Planning Department Assistant Planner Karin Flom, and stated due to time constraints an email would be sent with staff updates.
Chair Strand noted the Board reappointments of Members McDonald and Klebe, and welcomed John Gunkelman, incoming Planning Commission Chair, to the Community Development Committee.
Item 9. Adjourn
The time at adjournment was 3:50 p.m.