
Board of Health

Boards, Commissions & Committees

Board of Health - August 17, 2018 Minutes

Regular Meeting: Friday, August 17, 2018

Present: Vern Bennett, Chelsey Matter, John Strand, and Mike Thorstad
Absent: Chris Anderson, MD
Others Present: Larry Anenson, John Baird, MD; Justin Bohrer, Jan Eliassen, Desi Fleming, Dinah Goldenberg, Ruth Roman, and Kim Vance

Chelsey Matter, Chair called the meeting to order.

Announcements: Ruth Roman congratulated Desi Fleming as new Director of Fargo Cass Public Health. Ruth and Dr. Baird’s last day is August 31 with an open house retirement party on Wednesday, August 29.

We need to formally thank Dinah Goldenberg, former school board member, for her ongoing support of public health.

Vern Bennett discussed how Cass County is going to sue the pharmaceutical companies for the opioid crisis and would like estimates on cost.

Ruth Roman thanked everyone for their help for the 11 years she has been doing this job. It has been a journey and has been fun.

Health Officer Position Update: No one answered the RFP for Health Officer for twenty hours per week. We have visited with Heidi Lako-Adamson, MD who has been doing some community based work along with the Medical Director of FM Ambulance. She is willing to move forward with a contract for 10 hours per week. John Strand made a motion to approve the 10 hours MOU with Heidi Lako-Adamson, MD. Mike Thorstad seconded, and motion carried.

Approve minutes: Mike Thorstad made a motion to approve the June 1, 2018 minutes. John Strand seconded and motion carried.

Budget Report: Ruth circulated a copy of the revenue and expense report through July 31, 2018. We are about 2/3 through the year. We are seven months competed with 46.73 percent of revenue because many of our grants come at the end of the year. Expense side is more predicable with 58 percent spent out.

Health Officer Report: Dr. Baird circulated his last Health Officer report, which reported his years from July 1, 2002 to August 31, 2018. Worked with a great number of people and it had been a wonderful experience and he appreciated the time he had here.

Statistics: Ruth Roman circulate a copy. Explained the new procedure in how we test pools for aquatic onsite inspections. Desi Fleming pointed out that we now have the numbers from the jail staff. The jail health clinic is now on electronic records. Noted significant change in tuberculosis testing because of the change from skin testing to blood testing. Larry Anenson said Health Tracks are lower because we now serve as a safety net and encourage clients to use their primary providers. Clinic visits were down because one provider was on leave. Kim Vance said WIC numbers were constant. Jan Eliassen discussed mobile outreach program, how ambulance calls are down considerably, benefits of outreach program, innovative ways to save tax dollars, and syringe exchange program distribution of Narcan, which has saved six lives.

Accreditation: Justin Bohrer handed out the Overview page from the Accreditation Site Visit Report reviewing top three strengths and top three areas of opportunity. He discussed site visit details, how some site visitors had to be by conference call because of flight cancellations. FCPH staff were engaged and did fantastic job. PHAB will review report August 21 and 22 and inform FCPH of their decision within two weeks of that date. Our physical building was a real asset. There is a need to do more formal documentation of activities already being done. Justin thanked Dr. Baird and Ruth for their leadership.

Next Meeting: October 19, 2018